Echo caves -13-

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*Maya’s P.O.V*


I flashed to a random part of the woods. I have no clue where I was, but I sat down near a tree. Okay, I'm away from camp. Now what?

“Now, I lost half my crew. Pan is trying to turn us against each other, so no matter what we do we have to stick together.” A voice said. Sounded like Hook. I followed the voice.

“Hey.” I said as soon as I reached where they were. Snow, Charming, Emma, and Hook were there. “Who’s watching the girls?”

“Jill.” Hook replied.

“Can I join?” They all glanced at each other.

“Sure.” Emma peeped. Snow pulled her aside to talk. They came back and we walked into a cave. Neal/Baelfire was in a cage on the other side. There was no path leading there.

“Alright,” Hook started, “we each need to reveal a deep secret. It’s too late to turn back so you're all stuck here.”

Oh no. I shouldn't have come. I gulped and looked down.

Hook went first. He told everyone that him and Emma kissed. Charming was outraged that everyone knew but him. I didn’t know, but wasn’t surprised. I had seen the way Hook looked at Emma. He said the reason why it was a secret is because he never thought he’d love again.

A path part was reviled.

Then Snow went. She confessed she wanted to have another kid when they got back to place called Storybrooke. Wonder where that is

Second part.

Charming then had to tell his secret. His secret was that he couldn’t leave Neverland because he was shot will dreamshade. He had drank the magical water and was now stuck here.

Third part.

“Your turn, Maya.” Emma said.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” Hook asked.

“You’d guys would hate me.”

“Come on. It can’t be as bad as his was.” Snow gestured to Charming. He had a guilty look on his face. I mumbled my secret.

“What?” Hook asked.

“I- Well you see- How do I put th-”

“Spit it out, girl!” He raised his voice.

“I’m in love with Peter Pan!”

The final piece was put in place and my secret was out.

Try me, Pan (Sequel to Landnever)Where stories live. Discover now