Sweet dreams, love -23-

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*Peter’s P.O.V.*


I heard Maya yawn. I can see why; it’s been a long night.


“Come on, let’s head back to camp.”


She groaned. “Carry me?”


I sighed and picked her up. She buried her head into my chest and fell asleep. When I got down the stairs, the group was trying to fit into one boat.


“One of you can hop into mine.” I offered. They exchanged glances of uncertainty.


“I’ll do it.” Henry peeped. Of course, everyone stopped him.


“I’m going!” Rumple shouted over there voices. Everyone went silent as he sat in to boat. I took the seat across from him. An awkward silence followed as we rowed back to the island. I was using magic to move the paddles, which helped since Maya was sleeping on my lap.


“You really do love her, don’t you?” Rumple asked, breaking the silence.


“With all my heart.”


“How? How’d you two fall in love?”


“Believe or not, I crash landed on her island. I stayed there for about three months and we slowly fell in love with each other.”


“What do you mean by ‘crash landed’?”


I felt my cheeks get red. “Some fairies ambushed me.” I mumbled.


Rumple laughed. “You? Ambushed by fairies?” It grew louder. I glanced over at the others, who were giving us strange looks. When I turned my attention back to Rumple, he’d stopped laughing. The boat hit land and we all got out.


“You can all stay at camp till morning. I have a tree house of you to all share.”


“There is no morning here.” Emma remind me.


“There is now that magic has been restored. It will come, trust me.


“That’s sort of hard considering you kidnapped and tried to kill our son.” Regina spoke.


I ignored her remark. With in five minute we made it there. Both Lost girls and boys sat around the fire. Most of them arguing. Felix noticed me and walked over.


“Show the group their rooms. If you need me, I’ll be in my tree house.” He nodded and took off.


I walked to my tree house. I looked at the leader and decided it would be easier to fly up. Now that my magic is restored I was able to do it without pixie dust. For a short time anyway. I flew through the window and set Maya down on the bed. I laid down on the other side of her, pulling her close.


I heard her let out a soft, quiet snore. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

“Sweet dreams, love.”

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