December 29, 2016

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Dear Savanna, 

I have good news: I think Christian is finally going to leave me alone now, let's hope it sticks. 

And something else, I found out you're not at Brynn Marr. I was more than relieved because there was no way I would've been able to come visit you in Jacksonville. I haven't figured out where you are exactly, I just know you're somewhere in Queen City. It's alright, I'm working on it. Me and Wendy agree you need some time away from your mom, so what do you think about spending the Summer with me when you get home?

I already have everything planned out for the Summer. We can make Gladys and Georgina makeup tutorials, build forts to eats s'mores in as we watch Law and Order SVU at 2am, we can play minecraft and reminisce about the good ol' days when I traded emerald for bread, and we can do each other's hair- it's going to be super fun, I pinky promise. Just consider it?

Impatiently awaiting your return, 


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