January 1, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Well, today is the first day of 2017 and I don't give a daaaamn. It's a Sunday morning, the only thing I feel like caring about is what's for breakfast and what's on TV besides Joyce Meyer. Me and Taki have been trying to enjoy what little freedom we have left during Winter Break. We'll be in exam review mode when we go back, so we're just going to be learning all the shit we already learned up to this point. The entire class has to sit through material we've already gone over numerous times only because of like four people who don't get it- those four people are usually preppy girls who have spent the entire semester copying somebody else's answers because they literally can't even think for themselves, or it's other people who just slack off everyday.

Like I said, today is Sunday, so most people are in church (just like I know YOU would be if you were able to come home) or either out at the store purchasing things for shenanigans, so now is as good a time as any to partake in the New Year propaganda and make a resolution. I resolve to get fit(ish?) and stay healthy this year, to not fall for just any cute guy that calls me 'pretty' or 'beautiful'- but to instead wait for the right guy, to make it to Junior year, to be a bad bitch (AAAAAAAAAAA!), and to not cut my hair for an entire year. The last one might be kind of tricky but it's worth a shot. I know 2017 probably isn't gonna be the best year ever, but I'm working on myself and my life, so hopefully it will turn out to be a pretty good year.

Wishing you a Happy New Year,


Oh and P.S. The 13th of this month falls on a Friday... that's right, girl. FRIDAY THE 13TH! I've always loved that day, it's like a second Halloween. Speaking of which, there's only about 303 days until Halloween which should give us plenty of time to coordinate our costumes... it's gonna be lit. 

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