July 23, 2017

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Dear Savanna, 

Finally, somebody is giving me the hope that I need to survive. 

Brittany messaged me this morning to tell me that she heard from Ashley. She said you're doing good, which is great, and that at this rate you'll get to come home in 6-8 weeks, which at first I thought was a year for some reason until I realized it was only a month or two. I've waited more than half a year to see you, Savanna, and I'd wait another half if I knew for sure I'd see you again- and now, I have hope. Another thing, Brittany mentioned you cut your hair! Evidently it's down to your shoulders now. I had a fit. If you just trim it a liiiittle bit more we can be twinsies. I have missed you so much, Savanna. You have no idea. You've probably made friends where you are and made memories and have so many stories to tell me, but as for me, I just have the stories. I'm not really good at the making friends part, which at this point really sucks because it seems like all my friends I've managed to make so far are leaving my ass behind. What's that all about? See you on the flip side, bestie. 



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