April 12, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Not sure what I'm going to do for Spring Break but I'm trying to figure it out. One thing I do know however is that I'm starting to hate fourth period aka Civics and Economics. Civics, I loved, but Economics? No thanks; it's not that it's confusing, it's just that it hurts my brain and it's hard to keep up with. We have to do this crap online and it's absolute torture, it's called Everfi. I could tell myself I'm going to do some over Spring Break but truth is, I won't. Thank God tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break, and the talent show is my one-way ticket out of fourth period. Tickets were only two dollars so I said, "hey, what the hell?" and bought two, one for me, and one for Britney. Honestly, I'd rather waste two dollars than endure fourth period another day. Guess who the opening act in the talent show is? Jackson Barron. Hell must've froze over. Speaking of Jackson, never thought I'd say this, but he's getting a sex change. Surprise.

Dropping bombshells,


Dear SavannaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora