January 31, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Who would've known you could catch so much shit for exposing somebody's secrets? Everyone. But what I did was not only that, what I did was exposing the truth to people who needed to know. This is about much more than just revenge, this is about someone who is careless and needs to be exposed. If a doctor finds out somebody has a STD, they notify the spouse because they could've possibly been infected. You're telling me that somebody that sleeps with guys and his sister shouldn't tell disclose that? I think they should, and if they don't, I'll do it for them; that's just my prerogative. Despite my efforts, turns out Tiffany knew the entire time, she just didn't care. I thought it was sickening, and then I thought, what must she have done that was so vile that would stoop her so low as to be with the likes of someone like him?

There was incident with one of Kendra's friend's Ragan. It happened on Instagram. Ragan had been lying to her friends, saying that I was threatening her and dissing, so Ragan's friend Carmen hopped in my inbox under false pretenses and started threatening me and cussing me out. Well, she messaged me later and said "I was just playing." and  was like, uh- no...

My job interview is today, and I have to admit...I'm excited, but I have no idea what to wear...or if I'll even get the job, or what I'll do if I do get the job because mom says the commute is too far. Maybe she can take me and Sugar Daddy can come pick me up? I don't know how any of this is going to work out, but that's just details; right now, I've got one mission: get the job.

You need to hurry home. Virginia is too far away. I miss you!

Hurry home (or else),


Dear SavannaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant