June 27, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Well, I think it's time you know why I was so determined to leave BCHS.

For starters, Rachel has her own agenda (and new friends) and so I realized she doesn't make much time for you anymore. Now for the big reason, I'm a "petty bitch" to most people, and I desperately need a fresh start. A couple days ago, I was on Facebook, and then Harper sent me screenshots- Onterious was making a move on her- so, naturally, I confronted him because I was aware of how much of a fuckboy he was. Well, I sent him the screenshot of the message he sent to Harper and told him to back off, then he started getting defensive and blocked my messages which kind of pissed me off. I had dirt on him though. He wasn't aware that I knew about him 'suckin face' with Helen Lawson outside after summer school let out very recently, followed by "feelings" he was talking about catching for Ashlyn Tyler. I sent all of my dirt to Kasey and she and I had a good laugh. I was still mad that Onterious tried to blame the whole thing on his cousin and blocked my messages, so I took a screenshot and uploaded it with the caption, "actually it's because you don't want to take responsibility." and that was pretty much it, then the next day- as a joke- I uploaded a picture of me making a stank face and captioned it, "When Onterious hops in ya inbox on some thirsty mess." and I tagged him. WELL- him and his sister both hopped in the comments and they were big mad. Onterious started trying to talk shit and I'm not quite sure what his sister was doing *lmao* but Samantha (one of Barkley's old hoes) laughed at what Onterious said, and I didn't really get the jokes so I just asked her what was funny, and then she took offense and started acting like a bitch. Not even going to sugar coat it. She's always had a real attitude problem but I've really just tried to keep quiet. Even after my grandma died, this nappy headed fake dollar general cheap gloss look at my chimp ass looking bitch had the nerve to catch an attitude with me as if she could care less, but that's quite alright. What had me shooketh is the fact that she called me a petty bitch, but did what all petty bitches by definition do- posted screenshots so that everyone could comment how absolutely right she is about what's going on. But posting screenshots of our conversation wasn't the worst part, the comments were the worst part- actually, the commenters were the worst part. You want to know who all commented? Trinity was one of the first ones to comment, saying I was "all about that drama" followed by Gloria who had PLENTY to say, and then there was one who just irked me- Alex. He actually had the nerve to put my name in his mouth after I graciously kept his name out of mine. He may not know it yet, but he just declared war. 

All this bullshit is giving me stress migraines. I am TIRED of BCHS drama. All they do is take me for a fool, but I'm no fool. I know more than they think. Every minute I'm silent is another minute I'm listening. I'm fed up with being underestimated, so this year I'll make sure I'm anything but.

Wish me luck, 


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