January 8, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

You're not going to believe this. My wish came true! There's going to be no school tomorrow due to icy road conditions or however they put it. Whatever, it doesn't matter- NO SCHOOL!

Sugar Daddy knew about my break up somehow so he gave me some cash. I accepted, then we all went to walmart where I had a shopping spree and spoiled myself with makeup and shampoo aka a girl's best friend. Besides you. You know I love you. That did make me feel better. The car ride over to the store made me think of waiting in line with you for Scarowinds for HOURS. I remember the random strangers hopping out of their cars and racing through the dark and into the field to use the bathroom. Gross. It's like everywhere I go, there's a memory of you. It makes me happy and depressed at the same time. Happressed. There, I said it.

I still haven't gotten a call back from you yet, not sure why, but I haven't. Maybe they only let you call on certain days or something, I don't know. Atleast now I finally know where you are, so that's like closure for me. But dude, I freaking miss you, and I want you to come home!

I'll be waiting, 


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