January 30, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

I almost died today...OF LAUGHTER, that is. Explain to me why he acted is if I should be of him and his new poor excuse for a girlfriend, Trinity, the girl from my Mythology class last semester. I can't even think of her face without laughing. She has toe nail clippings for lips, what in the name was he thinking trying to make me jealous with her? Honey, she ain't lookin' like a bad bitch, she lookin' a sad bitch. Me and Brooklyn were walking to the bathroom and as soon as he saw me, he put his arm around Trinity- ME AND BROOKIE WAS FREAKING WEAK. It was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen, honestly, but it's alright, he'll learn eventually that I don't care. I never did. Maybe he'll learn how to be petty too. Prayers on that. But as for now, a dosage of his own medicine. Let's see how cute Trinity thinks her new boo is when she finds out that rolled around in the sheets with his sister. Oops, but that's none of my business...

On the bright side, my job interview is tomorrow. Fingers crossed, bestie!

See you soon (hopefully),


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