April 2, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

I've lost it, I've really lost it. I had a breakdown in the grocery store today. I started freaking out over not being able to buy Pantene shampoo- or was it L'oreal? I don't remember, but anyways- I was just freaking out and crying and in all honesty it wasn't even because of the shampoo, it's because I've been under so much stress that I just fell apart over something stupid. It started with what Shelly's mom said at Asia's birthday party about how I had "too much makeup on" and how my shorts were "too short" and she just made me feel like crap. The shorts didn't show anything and they weren't even that short, and the only reason I wore them was because I didn't want to die of a heat stroke; we were going to be near a fire for goodness sake. As for makeup, what does she know about makeup? She acts like I haven't seen her old facebook pictures when she wore makeup like mine. So she don't wear makeup anymore- good for her, that doesn't change who she is...which is a teenager trapped in an adult's body, because the way she acts and especially the way she parents her kids is absolutely juvenile. Back to my point, even April took up for me and was telling me my makeup looked good. I know I have some legit makeup skills, but what Shelly's mom said just got to me. It just did. All this stuff has been piling on, and I couldn't help but just explode- so I cried, and I cried some more, and it was like even if I stopped crying I could start back up again easily because the littlest stuff could set me off; court, grades, drama, attendance. It's like everything's just falling apart. To be concise, I need a break.

In desperate need of a vacation, 


Dear SavannaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang