February 1, 2017

4 0 0

Dear Savanna,

When you called yesterday night and I said "hello", nobody answered, and then the call ended. I don't know, maybe it was a bad connection or something? Anyways, I had my interview yesterday and I think it went pretty well. I smiled the entire time. Uncle Bill drove me. He drove like a madman to get me there on time, but it worked. We stopped at the wrong McDonald's first, but I was still on time. I had to wait for the manager for about ten minutes though. Even if I get the job, I don't know I'd be able to take it. Like I said before, the commute is strenuous. 

I have a confession to make. Aiden told me he wanted me. He's actually been kinda nice to me. He actually talked to me today because he got stuck beside me in the computer lab. I don't know. I've got a bad feeling about this. I don't want to be hurt again. Plus I like this guy, Alec, but he's more into Brooklyn though. Why is it that the guys I want never go for me? I try so hard...



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