March 27, 2017

3 0 0

Dear Savanna,

I had to get another cavity filled again today, and in the same tooth- I swear it's like I'd be better off just getting it pulled. When they give me that laughing gas though, I feel like I don't have a care in the world- hell, I feel like I could fall right off the face off the Earth, but you know the weird thing? It never puts me to sleep like it's supposed to. It's so weird...

Asia's birthday is this Thursday and her party is the day after, and THANK GOD that there's only two weeks until spring break after that. I think I've developed somewhat of a birthday obsession since you've been gone. Now, I never forget a birthday. Brooklyn's birthday isn't until June and we're already planning hers. She's more like me than I thought, man. 

I still can't believe your mom lied to you about what my mom said, I mean you know mama wouldn't tell them she wanted off the list, she just wouldn't do that- and before you jump to defend your mom, I checked the phone bill. No, mama doesn't really like you, Vanna, because she thinks you're a bad influence on me, but she wouldn't lie about taking her name off the list, she'd tell me straight up that she did it and wouldn't care if I got mad and threw a hissy fit or not because that's just who she is. You can't believe everything your mom says, and yes- I know that works both ways, but like I said- I checked the phone bill, and she didn't call to get taken off.

Other than that, are you doing okay? How are they treating you up there? Made any friends?



Dear SavannaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon