February 28, 2017

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Dear Savanna, 

He is in more of a mess than I am right now. There's a possibility he knocked up a 12 year old girl named Kat. He skipped school to have unprotected sex with her last Wednesday and he didn't "pull out" as the kids these days say. Shelly showed me the messages where they were talking about it. How does Shelly know about any of this, you might ask- simple: her sister is friends with Kat, or was before any of this crap happened with him, and Kat was logged into a chat with him on one of their phones and conveniently forgot to logout. Oh, by the way I forgot to mention him and Trinity broke up. Today was my first day back at school, that's why I'm late on this information. Anyways, in addition to the Kat scandal, now there's another girl that claims she might be impregnated by him. Coincidence? I think not. She says she took four pregnancy tests and three came back positive, and from what she says, he more or less forced her into having sex. Now, I don't know what you'd call that, but to me, that's rape. According to the law, if you're under the age of 16, you're not legally able to consent to sex, but it's also much bigger deal because the law also states that consent of sex can be revoked at any time, meaning if she said no at any time and he didn't stop, that's sexual assault. See, I know my laws. So right now, he could be looking at charges of statutory rape and sexual assault. I just hope to God these girls parents are brave enough to press charges and carry them out unlike the last ones. If I'm going to be prosecuted for breaking the law, so should he.

A little salty,


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