July 30, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Today, I had a breakdown in the kitchen. How was your day?

Seriously though, I've finally allowed myself to believe you actually might be coming back and the fear that I'm wrong is scaring the hell out of me. You have no idea how bad I need you right now. Well, actually you kind of do. There's so much going on. Hopefully when August gets here, that will begin to change. Hopefully. We're supposed to meet April at the DMV to figure everything out with the car and once that's settled me and mom are supposed to go to the movies and then to Cici's pizza which I actually don't know if that's supposed to come right after or like the next day or what but we'll figure it out I guess.

In other news, Aiden is still a total dick. He and I have kind of been talking lowkey, and I kind of just stopped messaging him at one point cause I didn't feel like talking, and he asked if was mad and I said, "no, I just didn't feel like talking." and then he says okay well I'm gonna go talk to my bestfriend whats-her-name and I'm like cool beans, and then later he messages me saying, "guess what" so I naturally say "what" and he says, "I'm talking to Harper." followed by a smiley face. Oh, I should probably catch you up- I don't think I mentioned that me and Harper aren't friends anymore...again, because she said "I don't need you, I have other friends." when I said something to her about not sticking up for me, so yeah- that happened. And so, that brings me to what happened next- Aiden says, "She's so amazing it's crazy." and it this point I figured out he was just saying all this in an effort to piss me off or make me jealous, neither of which were working, so I was like "yeah dude I know" and then THIS is what got me- this asshole says, "yeah she's way better than you..." and I wanted to cuss this dude for everything I could think of but I was like "And you can leave now." and then I just blocked him and was done with it. What actually genuinely upset me was when I told Matt about it, and all he said was, "That sucks." like he didn't even try and say, "Any guy that thinks you're not amazing is crazy" or something. Like I legitimately cried but then I got over it because it's not like I could make him care or anything. But riddle me this- is me minding my business a crime? Because I haven't bothered Haven since she said that crap to me and yet she still is content on ruining my life. Maybe I should stop playing nice and go back to being the villain for a change...

Come home soon, 


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