April 8, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Fuckboys here, fuckboys there, fuckboys everywhere. First it was Ricky, then Cori, then Dylan, then Dre, then Zander, followed by Onterious and the rest of the thirst squad including Scottie, Collin, him, and now- DALE; Dale Guffey, a guy a used to have  a crush on before I realized how thirsty he really is. Not to be judgy, but...he used to be cute, but the 2017 version is just...eww. I know, I know, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and all that crap, but the only thing in my eye is a tear because Dale didn't glow-up, he glowed-DOWN; he's built like a UPS delivery guy and the farthest from my type a guy could ever be. I mean, I don't want to lead him on, but he's really nice and I don't want to hurt his feelings. I'm honestly turning into a #wastehistime2017 advocate. But in all honesty, Jim Bob the slob has GOT to go. I can't have a fuckboy in my life, and he is a fuckboy. Latoya and Dana even said so. Speaking of Latoya, I blocked her messages.

Hope to see you soon, 


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