March 24, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

Things have been so stressful lately. Going back and forth to court, dealing with Latoya and her incessant nagging- trying to borrow half my closet and makeup, it's all raising my blood pressure. Don't even get me started on my grades. We only have a month or so left in school and my grades are getting lower than my self esteem. And oh God, the talent show- I completely forgot to tell you about that. So, it's on the 13th of next month, the day after the blood drive, and the day before Spring Break starts. Anyways, auditions were today and I'm 87% sure I blew it. I'm pretty sure I sucked mainly because I was so nervous, I mean, dude- I had to have the song restarted not once, but twice, and leave it to Jackson to boast afterwards about how his audition went sooo well and how the judges were "jamming it out" as he sang. Jackson needs to get his head out of his ass and stop being such a braggart and rubbing stuff in people's faces like it's cool or something...he did the same thing to Rachel last year when she didn't make that chorus thing and Rachel was really torn up about it. Honestly, Jackson is an ass. Anyways, I kept forgetting the words because I was a pile of pure angst and I felt like the whole world was watching me. I never thought my stagefright was so bad, but I guess I was wrong. 

In other news, Asia's birthday party is a week from today, I just wish you could be there. A lot of drama happened with me, Rachel, and the girls last year, so I don't know if inviting her to a party with Shelly and Hillary is a good idea, but it's really all up to Asia. Asia said she wanted to invite this girl named Janice, who I, by the way, accidentally hit when I punched him, and I thought to myself "God, if she comes I am not coming." and I know that's kind of selfish, but it's actually an effort to be selfless. I don't want there to be any drama at Asia's party, and if Janice comes, who knows if she'll confront me? And as we know, confrontation usually never ends well. But like I said, the guest list isn't up to me. Hopefully Janet and the rest of the girls can come though. 

Always and Forever,


Dear SavannaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt