October 15, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

I don't know how I did it, but I did it... I survived my first sleepover since July 2014. I'm literally amazed at how I managed to get through the night without screaming "mOoOoOm, HeLp" but I did it... against all odds, I did it. I think it was mainly because I went to bed my anxiety meds  made me SUPER sleepy and so I went to bed around 8ish. My anxiety meds don't really treat anxiety, they just make you tired because, well- can you really be that anxious if you're asleep? Exactly. I took it with the rest of my medicine and in no time at all, I was out like a light. 

I was so tired. I was in Janet's room trying to keep my eyes open and I felt like I was gonna fall over and die. She kept coming in with this other girl- her cousin, I think- trying to coax me into playing with the Ouija board. I was like "nope, g'night" and layed down. Even after that, Janet kept coming in and waking me up to watch movies and stuff, kinda like you would do whenever you'd sleep in the floor or when I slept on the dresser that one time. Ah, good times...

Back to what I was saying though: I would get sooo grumpy whenever she would wake me up, I was like "mAnnnn StFU and LeT me SLEEEEP" and I kept waving my arms like I was retarded or something- I wish somebody would've video-taped it... Janet fell asleep too eventually, that is- until I accidentally woke her up at two in the morning and we began raiding the fridge. I learned the next morning that I had apparently eaten her sister Tarren's pizza... oops. Amidst our fridge raid and teenagering- we heard creepy noises coming from the game room. We did a whole investigation- tried catching EVP and everything. One recording sounded like it had something on it, but it was hard to tell for sure. Apparently we made a lot of racket because we woke up Tarren and Janet's stepdad Vincent. Vincent came in and basically told us to shut up, and so after that Janet and I went back to sleep. She went to sleep in the living room though. After moving back and forth between the bed and the pallet in the floor, I finally knocked out for the rest of the night (in the floor) and didn't wake up until about 9am.

People started to head home. Janet's mom had to go somewhere and her brother was preoccupied with his xbox to pay us any attention- it was just us girls. Tarren made deep fried fruit loop oreos, I made sandwiches, and the three of us lounged around in the living room watching Netflix. I survived the night and then some. I'm so proud of myself.

Hopefully when you get home, I can spend that night at your house. 

See you soon,

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