January 4, 2017

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Dear Savanna, 

Turns out both guys screwed me over, and might I add they did a wonderful job. You already know what happened with guy #1 which, by the way, was Aiden. Well, guy #2, which is Nathan, was even worse. He only wanted me for my ass, but I was hoping that if he got to know me better that he would want something more, but I was wrong. Plus I wanted a way to detach from him. I thought I was in the clear because I thought there was a mutually assured destruction, but I was wrong, and then I made the mistake of sending him nudes, and that backfired terribly. Despite the fact that I have no feelings for him whatsoever, I am still so terribly embarrassed when he sends me screenshots of where Nathan sent him our conversation, including pictures. But although I felt embarrassed, I didn't care. Who can forget the crap he did to me? And let the record show that this ENTIRE thing with Aiden and Nathan and the cheating scandal was a setup, so ask yourself, whose fault is it really? Cause that seems like some bullcrap if I'm honest.

And if you thought that was unbelievable you're not going to believe this: I'm pregnant. Just kidding, but he sure did seem have that idea stuck in his head, his family too. They went out and bought pregnancy tests and everything as if they were excited to have a new edition to the family, but unplanned teenage pregnancy is not something to be excited about especially if the father is a sick, sociopathic sex-crazed deviant. And before you flip, I didn't lie. I merely said I might be pregnant- never said I was; he just made his own mind up on that. But anyhow, the reason I said I might've been is because I had missed my period. I had a pregnancy test, which I finally took, and that came back negative. I was absolutely relieved. However, he wasn't. His deep psychological daddy issues make him want to be a better father than his was.

I have a feeling this whole pregnancy scandal is going to end very badly. Oh well. I'm not going to be back at school until Monday anyways because I'm really sick. 

Anxiously awaiting a forehead smack, 


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