October 19, 2017

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Dear Savanna,

I'm honestly ready for 2017 to be over. This year has brought me nothing but pain and the hits just keep on coming. This week alone has been, to say the least, a disaster. The worst things have been happening to me, like this whole week was jinxed- like I've been cursed or something. I haven't broken a mirror, walked under a ladder- what could I have possibly done for all this to be happening to me? I mean, I know my name means "unlucky" in French, but COME ON. 

The thing that set off the chain reaction of the series of unfortunate events- joke intended- was the incident that happened with the 'nacho' meat. I was in the line, and I was sliding my tray down, getting my food- everything I usually do- and then I went to put in my lunch number a then it happened- I accidentally dipped one of my WHITE jacket sleeves in the greasy cafeteria mystery meat. I didn't even notice until somebody pointed it out. I was panicking all day about whether or not it would come it, debated on whether or not to spend frivalous amounts of money on a new jacket, and I actually cried a little. I went home with Janet after school, she said her mom could help get the stain out. For a split second, I don't even think I was worried anymore. Her mom swore OxiClean clean- and there's a lot of commercials for it on TV, so I figured it had to work to some extent. The OxiClean didn't seem to phase the stain, and so I was right back to having a prolonged panic attack. My mom washed my jacket after I got home, but it still didn't get rid of the stain. It faded it, which is better I guess, but it's still an eye sore. 

The next thing that happened was that I lost my other jacket, the flimsy yellow one- and don't ask me HOW but I didn't realize that I'd lost it until a week later. It was during spirit week, and I went home with Janet that day, so I guess I wasn't paying much attention. I noticed it was missing and I had the school check the camera footage but they never could find it, somebody stole it I guess. I couldn't figure out where I left it, or who walked out with it. THEN, I lost my freaking headphones. 30-something-dollar headphones, Vanna. I'm poor. Ain't nobody got time for that. And then I was such an emotional mess that I couldn't even ride the bus, I had mama come get me, and I'll be damned if I didn't break my furry keychain on the way to the car. 

This day is probably one of the worst days of this year, and that's really saying something. Honestly, I hate 2017. This entire year has been one never-ending shit show. This year, I have gone through so much bullshit that it's truly hard for one to even fathom. 2017 is kind of like Cook Out except instead of ice cream, there's a new flavor of bullshit every month. If 2017 was a person, I'd throw rocks at it and tell it that I wished his kids got bird flu. THAT is how much I hate this god awful year. If I would've known all this bs was gonna happen, I'd have thrown myself into a coma and begged the doctor's to wake me up when 2018 gets here.

January, I started off the year with a bunch of rebound related bullcrap (honestly, worst decision of my life) and that led to February, when I got arrested. March, I had to pay a large amount of money to make my charges "go away" even though my mugshot is still available for all to see. April, 'unrequited fuckboy love' drama. May, ex-boyfriend drama and my dad gets arrested. June, Asia gets taken and dad is sent to prison. July, friendship drama and I had to get my freaking wisdom teeth taken out. August, I have hardly any classes with my friends and I feel like an outsider. September, the chick at the salon in walmart completely screws up my haircut and there isn't enough time to grow it out before my birthday. October- so far, bullshit.

Hopefully your year has been going better than mine... doubt it though.

Hurry home, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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