July 18, 2017

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Dear Savanna, 

Sorry I haven't written in a couple weeks, but life has been it's usually messy self.

We've been trying to find another car before we have to pay the taxes (or whatever it is we owe) on the one we have now in August, and we finally found one. Remember the car that April promised Asia when she got her license? Well, since April's car can't pass inspection and she needs the money, she's selling the car to us. It's kind of ironic actually. Asia threw a fit over not wanting to loan us the car and now that she's gone and has no say-so, April is selling it to us. It makes me feel a little guilty, but we need a car. Speaking of Asia, I have big news...

We know where Asia is. Thanks to April's investigative skills which helped find the name and Facebook of the lady whose foster home Asia's been placed in, I was able to find the phone number and address. April is doing everything in her power to get Asia back, we all are.

Wish us luck,


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