5~ Don't touch my beanie

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*Connor POV*

We pretty much just stopped the movie and ate popcorn.

We sat really close to each other and talked about funny memories from childhood good times...

Who knew she would still be as funny as she was when we were younger.

We were talking about our made up games we used to play at my house when all of a sudden, we heard some one yelling in the distance like laughing and it was two people.

Me and willow quickly jumped apart and pressed play on the movie we acted normal and then we heard some whispering and we knew it was Lillie-rosette and jack.

They attempted to scare us but Willow ended up scaring jack instead, it was hilarious.

She jumped out and grabbed his leg when he wasn't looking he fell  onto the bed and started crying because he was scared he ended up going to the cabin with Lillie.

Willow was laughing so hard she was curled up in a ball with her head on my chest.

It was cute I gotta say.

She turned to look at me and I took her beanie off her head.

"I got your beeean-ie" I waved it around.

She started climbing over me to get it but I put it on my head and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Ha.You can't reach it!!" I teased.

"Connor!!" She pinned me down.

By the time she got her hat and put it back on her head; she was sitting up right on my stomach.

I went to go grab her hat and she pinned  me down again.

So that I couldn't move "You're so cute when your mad" I told her.

No, I said that out loud and she's on top of me oh god this isn't right, see what you did Connor way to go.

"Thanks but you're always cute" she replied in awe.


Awe, she likes me!

'just kiss her before she leaves god dam Connor see you talk to your self in order to function you idiot.' I lectured myself, mentally ofcourse.

*Willow POV*

I was sitting on Connor because he took my beanie amd he knows thats my baby.

So I had to pin him down and got it back!

"You're so cute when your mad" he blushed.

What do I say to that?

"Thanks but you're always cute" I responded in a flirty tone.

Before we could say anything else Connor sat pulled me down and kissed me I felt fireworks so I smiled very widely so Connor slide his tongue in my mouth it was gross at first but it was alright towards the end our tongues played around in eachothers mouths and then after what felt like 3 seconds we let go.

We were still very close and he was breathing on my neck which tickled.

I ended up with my head on his chest so he wouldn't breath on my neck

I could hear his heart beating and it was magical.

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