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Tell you how wonderful each and everyone one of you really are. we had lots of fun with Beautiful Green eyes and we hope you enjoyed it for a celbration we  want to do a Q & A with questions we get inboxed to us every day so daily questions.

Q: How old are you both?

A: Madi: 13 , Brinn: 15

Q:Are you related how did you meet?

A: We aren't related we met at soccer when we were 5 and 7 and when Brinn moved away in 5th grade we kept in touch.

Q: is Brinn fake?

A: no my mom just doesn't like mesharing my stuff on the internet and other crap i have strict parents i have to focus on my soccor , swim meets and basket ball tournaments it's always been this way. i upload through my i pod and Madi uses her laptop we skype about what we write. and then she will sometimes just write a bunch of chapters i'll add to them or make new ones 

Q:what inspired you to write a fan fiction?

A: uhh  Brinn was reading a fin fiction about Ricky Dillon one day and asked me if i wanted to make a Kian Lawley Fan fiction or A Connor Franta one i said Connor and we took off from there.

Q: What happened to your o2l adoption fan fiction? I LOVED THAT BOOK!

A: we took it down because we were getting hate on it because it didn't tie in with our Willow and Connor fan fiction because it was a Rebecca Black and Connor fan fiction people didn't like that we do apologize :(

Q: how do you deal with writer's block? #dastruggle

A: OMG okay Madi has always been good in writing and in english over all her average is at a 96.4% out of 100% Madi is like a robot she never ever ever has writer's block it's weird to me! But what i do is i read some other fanfictions and think 'heyy how can i put this in my fan fiction with out stealing and copy writing this?' so i think on that and add things as i go to it and it turns out completely different then other  fanfictions.

Q: how do you deal with disagreeing on idea's for new chapters?

A: we do ROCK , PAPER ,SCISSORS !!! i know right 

Q: who does all the cool pictures on the side?

A: MADI does i don't know how she makes them so good but she does all the side media even te video's

and that concludes our Q&A for you all we love you and we will see you in the next book 





Beautiful Green Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें