20 (the field)

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*Willow POV"

We stood on the hot field in school uniforms which consisted of a grey long sleeve that was big on me and a pair of lime green shorts that were a tad bit to freakin' small so they made my butt look bigger then it is.

i walked over to Kian i felt super awkward asking him but i knew April would lie to me. "kian does my butt look to big" i caught him off guard but he looked anyways "Umm , uhh N-no, why?" he stuttered awkwardly.

"Because the shorts are small and the shirts too big it's just a mess!" i whispered while putting my hair in a high pony tail. he giggled and followed me over to the bench where i tied my shoes (black converse) i heard some one whistle at me and i jumped up to find a dirty blonde idiot staring at me and kian was snort/laughing "Connor! what the hell? i thought you were a stupid jock trying to get some and i was going to punch you!" i yelled

"i'm here to run with you just like we used to do at track!" he protested as he reached for my hands. i smilled like an idiot , i hugged him and he kissed me. "okay kids , the girls do 1 lap the boys do 2 get moving or you'll be doing the 'punish trap'.we all lined up at the track  and ran at the whistle.

it was me Connor and April in the lead and Kian beside Bria they were talking so it was cute until Acacia yelled at her.

"Fuck that!!! i'm running 3 just to prove to everyone that i'm not some stupid blonde pushover" i say increasing my speed Connor at my side and April 10 feet behind me with some football  boy.

"So how was your uhh singing class this morning?" Connor questioned.

"Well you sed,  Kian had to carrily me into the class!! because i refused to walk onto the stage and then i made my teacher cry with my voice i guess Oh and Acacia is a bitch." i said normally like it was nothing

"talk to me about it babe, what did she do?" Connor asked grabbing my iced tea out of my hand as we started on our second lap still in the lead.

"Well first thing she keeps giving me dirty looks for being around Kian which is stupid because she's dating Sam , she 'accidently' bumped into me as we left the door and then she asked if i was Kian's girlfriend or sister! in the change room she tried to spill red juice on my pants and tell people i was on my period. i'm just confused with her" i explained taking the iced tea back from Connor and taking a gulp.

"Acacia has always been like that don't take it personally!" Connor shook his head with a reassuring smile.

"But that's the thing i do take it personally because i never did anything and she's targetting me because she thinks... i don't know i'm a threat to her? or something?? but i'm not i'm not like most girls i din't live fir drama

" i complained

"it's because your better then her and she always has to be the star we tried to tell Sam the same but he got mad at us and punched Kian in the face." Connor answered as we turned for our second lap most people were already walking.

"i'm taking you off campus for lunch" Connor changed the subject seeing that i was getting upset.

"where?" i mumbled

"where do you want to go?" he asked.i shrugged not knowing the area

"FRO YO!!!" i screamed he almost fell over. I remebered seeing one on the way to school it was exactly 2 minutes away from the school

"there's one up the street" i added he nodded

"i'll race you to the post at the end of the track, loser buys!" he yelled increasing speed. i gulped the rest of my iced tea and ran as fast as my feet could carry me"

"deal but your already losing old man!" i shouted

"I'm only 5 months older then you!" he defended we were now neck and neck  until he tripped on a rock and stumbled a bit and fell down i giggled but as i crossed the line were the post stood tall i fell on my ass. Connor stood up then helped me up. i dusted off my bottom and i kissed Connor on the cheek "hah loser you have to buy me some frozen yougurt" i slurred out of breath from running 3 laps.i kissed his sweaty nose and we walked back to the bench where everyone was red in the face and waiting for us so we could move on "You two are very athletic!" Mrs.West insisted

we smiled and as we took spots on the bench beside Kian and April she said it was "Gymnastics week rather then field hockey week. we will be inside for the rest of the week seeing as how it's heat danger all week and it wasn't good to be outside" we all stood up and we went inside and played doge ball for the rest of the 15 minutes left of  period 2. I kissed Connor and he left before we entered the Gym doors. 

but time flew by and i found my self getting dressed for my next class "You and your boyfriend are so cute" a brunette in the corner said as i slipped my skirt on along with my boots "uhh thanks" i replied slipping my tube top back on and my bracelets "yeah it was tots cute when you both feel and he pulled you up and kissed you!" Bria said with dreamy eyes then Acacia slapped her up side the head and she screamed "Don't touch her like that you brat!" i snapped pulling Bria away from her "or what you can't just walk in here and control the place thats my job!" Acacia yelled and all the girls gasped i heard mumbles from people "she's totally two faced" "what a queen Bee acacia isn't even as pretty as new girl" "Acacia is such a whore" and then April jumped in "Listen you little fake blode i'm going to punch you in the lip and hopefully you bleed a lot" i had to pull her out.

While bunch of girls were mumbling rude things about Acacia "Come on Bria, April come on lets get up stairs to science" i pulled both in to a hug and we walked out to find Kian standing there as soon as he saw Bria crying he pulled her into his chest and i awwwwwwwed. Then he pulled her into a hug and told her something to make her laugh. We  four of us walked upstairs into the science hall i walked into class and smiled at Ms.Sterburg "why hello gorgeous you two girls are new!"she pulled me and April to the side and told us to sit in the middle row we had Acacia beind us with some red head girl and Bria and then Kian, me and April on the end. infront of me were a row of foot ball idiots "Hey gorgeous , you from Tenesse cause your the only TEN I SEE" a 'jock' with a blonde quiff turned and said to me i rolled my eyes and scoffed in disgust 'I'm taken and never would i ever consider you, just stop your not what you think you are and your embarrassing yourself."i sassed and his friend shouted

"dude you just got burned from the hottest in school take a seat , take a seat" the red head called out smacking his pal on the shoulder the 'jock' snickered and spun around i looked to Kian who high fived me.

The rest of Science was a blur we talked about  asteroids and other stuff like that wen the bell rang i was the first one down the hall and to my locker where Connor was trying to open it "it's not the same code as Minnesota" i started he jumped and stepped back "It's left 21 right -1-then turn three  times left over to 4 jiggle it then pull down" and with that my locker opened inside were lots of pictures of Connor and i on the door along with a mirror and a small little compartment magnetic of course and in side it was a small brush , lip gloss and a pack of gum, on the top shelf a few lollipops and jolly ranchers in a jar at the  along with 4 cans of mountain dew, my wallet and a box of fishie crackers inside my locker was my purse on a hook a sweater on the other that i brought this morning , my gym bag then i bought a shelf and put my books on that while my shoes went underneath it. "nice set up babe" Connor said as i put my science book away and grabbed my wallet we were free and off to fro- yo we went hand in hand.

~Not a long chapter i know i'm so sorry! It's Madi





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