19 (Why is school so much like the movies!)

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I dedicated this chapter to Liams32flick because this person is my insperation and i love the books she has made <3 go check her books out i sugest start with her Jc caylen fan fiction the first book you will love it!

*Willow POV*

It's been 5 days in California already. Monday came around and i was at school with Kian and April Connor dropped out and took Youtube full time so here i stand infront of a sleepy Connor trying on outfits when April busted in "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" she yelped typical April. But i've learned to just give her clothes and let her be  even thought her closet is about to bust and her dresser is too. PLUS it's our first day at St.Zender high but i rummaged through my closet finding her a grey T-shirt that said "Breakfast , Coffee , pancakes , sex" That connor gave me ,but i gave her some light wash high waisted shorts to hide the sex part i also gave her some black ballet slippers and she used her own leather wallet and gold acorn necklace which falls to her belly along with her dark velvett red hair She smiled and waited for me to change clothes i had layed out stuff Connor picked for me to wear.

i wore a white silky slip up bra for low tops, a black , above the knee skirt with tiny white crosses all over it, a black leather belt with a gold rectangular buckle , a black leather jacket that i took from Aprils closet along with two random silver bracelets to top it of i had black cuff booties on and a solid gold necklace that was stopped at my collar bone. "Willow lets go your our ride today" Kian called up the stairs "bye babe" i leaned down on Connor chest and kissed him softly but sexually is hand slid up the back of my skirt and i smirked "Willow stop kissing Connor" Kian called from down the stairs in a fatherly tone.

Me and Connor laughed He knew us well. "Bye gorgeous have a wonderful day" Connor smiled. i pecked his lips once more and ran down the stairs with my curled hair bouncing every where "BYE RICKY , JC ,WISHBONE ,BUNZ AND CONNOR!!" i yelled and Ricky laughed "Byeeee" Jc called from the kitchen stuffing a sandwich in his face "Bye hun be have at school" Ricky said in a brotherly tone.

~~~~ as we pull into the parking lot of the school~~~~

"Kian you are terrible at directions next time i'm letting Siri tell me where to go!" i whisper yelled as i turned of the music

"April do i look okay?" I asked  searching for her eyes in the rear view mirror as i parked my car.

"you look wonderful hush dear child" she rolled her eyes at me for thinking other wise.

"Stunning baee" Kian chimed in pretending to be a girl while snapping his fingers like a diva. i laughed

"ahhhh Kian gotta love you!" i said locking the car door with the button as i walked towards the school

"Kian what class do we have first?" April questioned

"uhhhhh you have english with Mr.weave first then you have gym class with Mrs.West my homeroom teacher homeroom is second period and it's the same everyday so be prepared with perfume and under arm deodorant" Kian sighed but looking up at my schedule

"You have advanced singing and Threatre WITTTTTTTH uhh OH YES Ms.Calder same class i have and you have the same homeroom as us too yay!" he high fived me but april groaned at  the fact she didn't have first class with us. ~BRIIIIIIING BRING~ the bell went off scaring me at first our bell was much different in Minnesota. Kian laughed and then we walked into a class down the east wing at the back of the building. "alright she's going to ask you to sing and you better be prepared" kian informed me "Dude you didn't tell me this earlier i can't sing" i froze in fear so Kian had to pick me up and place me in the dim lighted little room with the stage.

"LAWLEY!! put me down" i kicked but he didn't budge he ran up and put me on the stage i hated him

"I'm going to kill you!" i whispered to him.he smiled and waved.

He smiled and ran up to the stage with me "Ms.Calder this is Willow Bretin a transfer from Minnesota or as we say Minnesnowda" he paused people laughed at his chilling comment get it? chilling? Minnesota? cold weather? no okay anyways

He countined "Willow is scared she can sing but is scared so give her some song options" he pointed to me "very well" she smiled to Kian the stage as he lowered from then looked my way and smiled agian "Alright dear you may sing two songs one of which i pick then you may pick any song of your choice." she thought for a second then said "She wolf by David guetta and Sia! que the music alfred" she clapped her hands and i began to sing my acapella version of the song i wasn't that scared anymore and i owned the stage

"A shot in the dark

A past lost in space

Where do I start?

The past and the chase

You hunted me down

Like a wolf, a predator

I felt like a deer in love lights......" i sang softly and slowly but still up to beat

I looked in the crowd to find a pissed of brunette along with a purple headed girl beside her uh oh.The rest seemed happy , i looked to Kian who's jaw was dropped and he gave me a thumbs up as he recorded my 'audtion' you could say, if i didn't get a good feed back i could always do art so.

As the song finished i had the teacher in tears Kian in shock the two girls infrurriated and the rest stunned by my voice i guess. i held my mic at my waiste and rubbed my neck awkwardly as i waited for Ms.Calder to say something but she only said "bravo baby doll bravo!" and then the bell rang.

Kian helped me of the stage and we went to our next class. on my way out the blonde bumped into me on purpose " omg so sorry hun" she squeeked out. no not a fake girl nooo

" Hi Kian is this your sister? or girlfriend" the blonde paused i looked at Kian like what the hell is happening and he shrugged "um no not exactly this is Willow, Connor's girlfriend she's just a really good friend of mine" he cleared his thought some what awkwardly

  She rolled her eyes "is that so? Willow?" she scouffed "yeah uh nice to meet you but i have to get to class" i ran down the hall towards the gym sign.  Kian caught up to me as i spotted April as happy as ever. What was that about?

"That was Acacia and the one with purple hair was Bria. Acacia likes me but is dating Sam. She is jealous of you i can tell just don't mind her" he informed me but i shook it off and smiled.

~i'm going to bed good night





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