30 (not one but two Babies?!)

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*Connor POV*

Okay Willow are you ready for the gender's?" Dr.Peltsieh said.

"Gender's? so it's two?" My mom choked

The doctor nodded my mom jumped up and down in exictement

"YAAAAY another room to decorate!"

"what gender's are they?" Willow chimed in trying to change the subject.

"A boy and a girl" he jumped with exictement Willow did too.

--- 6 days later --- 2:03 a.m (5 months and 3 weeks pregnant)

*Willow POV*

I awoke from my nightmare and i started to cry. here i was in the pitch black of the night, heart racing out of my chest , coated in moisture beads of sweat and a sleeping Connor in a mugy hot bedroom. This hapens atleast twice a every 4 days  every since Jc told me he loved me i keep having dreams about him killing him self and A. doing it on camera telling people it was my fault or B. him doing it right infront of me. Connor only caught me crying once or twice but i told him i had cramps and we cuddled until i fell asleep. But he was far pasted out now i decided to go up stairs to the kitchen and have something to drink. I hobbled up the steps careful not to step on the creaky ones because they are so loud Connor would jump up out of his sleep.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice i poured some into a kiddy cup because i'm cool and i walked out into my living room to look out the window. the sun was just rising and here i found myself starring at my old house which i have lived in all my life. it still belongs to my family but people are renting it out hense why we live with Connor's family. After about 30 minutes of thinking of my parents and how i miss them so much. i promised my self not to be depressed not to affect these kids in anyway about my parents this will help me forget about them and eventually stop hurting inside then back down stairs i went. I curled up in a ball as much as i could and i plugged my headphones into my phone i listened to a variety of songs before i fell asleep.

"Goodmorning baby" Connor poked my nose

"Wy does it look like you were crying?" he questioned which completely woke me up

"uhh Morning sickness was bad last night!" i shot back to quickly. He narrowed his eyes at me

"Mhm, morning sickness is it?" he wasn't buying it

"FINE, fine i was walking up the stairs to go get a drink last night i tripped over pre and hit my foot on the basement door it hurt a lot so i walked back down here and cried my self to sleep" i answered trying my best at acting.

"your a good singer not an actress now tell me the truth" he lifted my chin with his fingers ans we hopped out of bed

"It was a nightmare, a nightmare that i've been getting since Jc told me he loved me. I keep seeing him kill himself in my dreams and it scares me that one day it will be a nightmare a real , living nightmare this time." i starred into Connor's sleepy eyes.

"Baby , i'm here for you why didn't you tell me this?'' He hugged me.

i shrugged. he side frowned at me then kissed me lightly.

"Come on you too get dressed we are going sopping for the baby boy's room!" Mom called from upstairs.

we got dressed i dressed in a black maxi dress , messy bun , flip flops and a floral jean jacket Connor in a black beanie light brown skinny jean's, black vans and a red t shirt. We got in the car and drove to Ikea and got a 

black crib , brownish lazy boy,  and a couple other things then we went to babies r us and got toys , nick nacks , clothes for boy of them and a two cart fulls of other baby stuff we even got a little play set for the back yard , a play pen , a sleepers set , 17 baby bottles , 34 packs of diapers a blanket for each of them at birth , toys galore, baby food, Baby books , baby clothes , 20 pairs of shoes 10 for each and 70 baby bibs yay we went over board my baby isn't due for 3 months and a week!!! but it was just that freaking cute.

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