28 (what's up Jc is here)

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*Jc POV*

it's been a few weeks since i last saw my princess, i miss her but i need to pretend like i've moved on, i need to pretend that it isn't killing me, turning my heart into black dust, making me cry everynight. Connoris right Lia wouldn't want me to be like this but what is he talking about? you don't choose to be like this. Your like this when you love someone with your every source of life, when nothing could break you apart you were that strong .... but you thought wrong because clearly you were blind sided by the ugly truth of death, And that's enough to shatter's someones life forever. Today is Wednesday meaning i have to make a video for my love today. here goes nothing

"Hey guys it's Jc here today , how are y'all?"i paused

"Today i'm not going to be doing a regular 'Lia' video i'm going to just be talking to you heart to heart because i know some of you still cry, i know some of you are still depressed and we need to get better." i explained softly

"Lia was gorgeous, Lia was loving , kind , caring , funny , romantic , talented the list goes on and on but one thing Lia was not was indeed a person to grieve for her self, if she broke her arm se wouldn't stop doing things she loved and cry in a corner she would carry on with life and laugh at her self. If Lia failed a test she wouldn't be sad she would shrug it off and try harder next time. What i'm trying to say is Lia wouldn't want her fans to be sad all the time and shut everyone out, cry all the time , stop going to school and self harm your self, she would want you to watch her video's laug and be happy , tell people how cool she was tell people what you liked about her, these are things i've learned the ard way i just need you guys to know. i'm going to go but i want you guys to listen to what i just said okay?" i was crying and my voice cracked a lot. i turned off the camera and cried for a while. What now. what do i do? . where do i go?.

*Lia POV* -ghost-

I watched Jc as he made the video for my channel i miss him so much, he started to cry and i walked over to hug him,  he couldn't hear, see or feel me i hated my self why didn't i listen to Willow's speech, why didn't i stay on earth heaven isn't as fun as i thougth it would be, it's boring , depressing and quite. i hated it. i hate me. i miss him. i love him.

*Willow POV*

"Connor turn the water off! we should get out of the shower and probably order dinner because you and i both know that this baby wants pizza and so does Jc probably Kian too" i lectured him.

After we got out and dressed i called for some pizza as a vlogged,

"hi guys sorry i haven't vlogged for a while i vlogged all last week but i guess this week it really hit me that i'm having this baby and that half my family won't be there with me. You know when you grow up all you want is to be a princess with a prince charming mine is Connor and a little baby mine is Baby Madi , but i guess you never stop to realize that you want your parents to be alive for all of that you want to know that you have a mom to shop with you want a father to disaprove but when he see's the baby get more attached then anyone else. you want a mother to pick wedding dresses out with and a father to walk you down the isle. Tihat's never going to appen and that's heart breaking. " i explained as i walked around the back yard Jc was over on the other side of the pool editing what looked to be a video for Lia's channel it wasWednesday after all.

"And i know what your all thinking ' you have o2l , other youtuber's , connor's parents and your brother isn't dead' and yes i agree with you but you have no clue wat it is like to live with no parents of your own, Connor's parents have known me since the day i was born but no they didn't birth me, My friends didn't raise me, my fellow youtuber's don't know what i did that was funny when i was born, and my friends well i only grew up with Connor, Tanner , April , Lillie , Jack ,Onna , Shaylie and a few other's i don't have 50,000 friends that know me as well as i know my self and that's what parents are for i miss mine." i was walking around the pool Jc was listening to my speech but i pretended not to notice him . "well i'm going to go edit this, it will probably be up after i eat dinner and edit so about... 3 hours or so? anyways stay young ,stay true , stay you byeeeeee" i did my outro and then sighed as i sat beside Jc

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