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*Connor POV*

i had willow pinned on the bed because she was freaking out.


"GET OFF ME BITCH" she slapped my chest



i smashed my lips into hers, in all realtiy i knew she would keep talking so that's why i said it , i wanted to kiss her and it's not like we are going to fast , we've always had a thing for each other well atleast i've had a thing for her.

Her lips are so warm and i love that. i lowered my self to her level so i was hovering over her,she pushed her hips up to meet mine so i pushed them closer to hers and she started to dry hump me.

We can't do this,she is disabled right now i feel my shirt rising and i go with the flow i feel so bad for this she isn't aloud to move a lot i hear my shirt hit the wall, how ard did she throw it. Still kissing i feel her warm ands exploring my chest and that's when i broke the kiss i didn't want to but i care for her more then my self "Willow stop, we can't do this your disabled at the moment and if you move to much you will lose blood in your ead as for your leg well pain killers are working aren't they" i got up searching for my top.

"Connor please it's okay" she begged, does she really like me that much that she would go all the way with me not caring about her head ... it must hurt or something at least i rolled my eyes and walked over to her " Let's watch a movie instead we can cuddle if you please" i whispered in her ear.

by the time we made popcorn, gave Willow her pain killera and picked out a movie it was already 10:58p.m we decided on Perks of being a wall flower. yeeeees i love this movie we used to watch this movie when we were preteens and secretly we used to cuddle so yeah old memories.

"Connor i'm sleepy can i have some pajamas, or do i have any" Willow whispered raising an eyebrow

"let me go check" i smiled getting off the bed , heading into the other room where her stuff was i opened her suit case to find bikini galore , thong paradise and various seductive bra's DAYUUUUM girl i picked out her pajamas which consisted of .... a black thong , a black and white bra and a see threw shirt ( don't judge me i'm a guy) i walked back into the room blushing , i handed her the cloths and she rolled her eyes

"Connor, girls don't were bra's at night" she giggled

"even better" i winked, she punched my arm and went to get changed.

when she came back her hair was in a bun, she had a new bandage on her head and she was ACTUALLY wearing the shirt i picked out exept she was wearing really small black shorts i gave her a look

"what? thongs are uncomfortable and we aren't even dating we are just friends that were bestfriends until grade seven" she smiled , puting the blanket over her head.

"who's to say that we aren't dating" i pull the blanket over my head too

"uhh you never asked me" she turned to face me

"well what if i asked you now?" i stuck my tongue out at her

she didn't reply , i don't think she knows what to say aahaha

"WIllow Fretin? will you be my gorgeous girlfriend" i rubbed her thigh

she didn't say anything she jumped on top of me and kissed me very harshly

"Connor wake up the movie is starting" Willow woke me up

what? it was a dream i never went to get her clothes, she never put the blanket over her head? she never said yes to being my girlfriend? i never rubbed her thigh? what if she doesn't even have a thong?

"Hello? can you tell me where my pajamas are first though hun?" she questioned awwh she called me hun.

"Umm let me get them i'll be back" i mumbled i was still pissed that all that was a dream i had to see if her suit case in my dream was real or not. i walked into the storage room and opened her suitcase to find te exact same things in my dream but this time i grabbed her a crop top that said "BITCH i'm sleeping" and the same shorts.

she grabbed them from my and and asked me to turn around while she changed but little did she know there was a mirror there so i could see her perfectly she was perfect and i blushed .... a lot she was done changing  and she saw me throught the mirror and rolled her eyes i winked and made a kissy face still blushing " awwww Mr.Franta can't handle a womens body can he" she walked up and pinched my cheeks then she kissed me, went to the bathroom and changed her bandage and she came to lay down we watched the movie but half way throught it i grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me. "Connor ... i can feel you .." she giggled awkwardly

"what do you mean say the words you dirty girl" i whispered in her neck causing her to blush

"FIne i can feel your penis, i can feel your erection on my thigh and it's bugging me" she turned to face me and she tried to be serious but it didn't work out i flipped her over carefully and say on top of her.  She is so gorgeous

"Connor i will beat you up" she bit her lip ... it drives me insane

"i dare you" i wink she blushes

"ehh tomorrow, i'm tired right now and my pain killer are wearing off" she closed er eyes and snuggled into my chest and that was that.

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