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*Willow's POV*

After the fire had died down we all settled into our cozy little tents that Connor and i had built just hours before. I then remebered the kiss and what it mean't to me, i-it felt magical like that feeling you get when for once you know your worth something and i gotta admit i liked it ... i liked him. Whoah . WAIT. WHAT.

*Connor POV*

~in the tent~

She's so perfect. i just adore her so much i thought  as i stroked and played with her hair.

"c-connor i-i'm s-so c-c-cold" she barely whispered i pulled her to my chest she was ice basically i pulled her closer until my chin was on top of her head and our legs were tangled i sighed with butterflies in my stomach i blushedbut i didn't let her see.

"i like you a lot but i can't tell you" she whispered she may have been sleeping because what else would she mean i smiled and kissed her forehead " i like you more then you will ever know and i have since the day we met at the park and you fell off the swings you're so cute" i chuckled at the last bit of my sentence. i closed my eyes and we dozed off.

*April POV*

It was atleast 2:00 a.m in the morning and i was up shivering cold gawwd i wish i had my boyfriend here to hold me like Connor and Willow but then i look infront of me to find Lillie-Rosette and Jack snuggling too and it was cute .. very. That's when i felt a tear stream down my face as i think of Alex my boyfriend then i heard someone whisper i'm sure it was Willow i thought she was going to ask why i was crying , i didn't want to seem weak even thou Willow would never be mean she would comfort me. I still got scared and whiped my tear away quickly and pretended to sleep when i heard her barely even whisper it was hard to hear but i'm sure she said "Connor i'm so cold" but it had lots of stutters because she was shivering then about 7 minutes later i heard her say "i like you alot but i can't tell you'' was she talking in her sleep she's bad for that everytime we had sleep overs she would always tell me her secrets and her secrets i shall keep. It doesn't end there i heard Connor mumble something " i like you more then you will ever know and i have since the day we met at the park and you fell off the swings you're so cute" then he sorta laughed out of embarrassment i think it was cute but i fell asleep after checking to see if Jack and Lillie heard it to but they were completely out cold in dreaming about each other ahah.

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