18 (Mr.New Beginnings)

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To madi because she wrote this chapter.. <3

*Willow POV*

I had my mom cancel my birthday and i just drove around with Connor it was perfect. He gave me a Gorgeous Maxi dress , 5 beanies , a pair of classis louis batons  my favourite and the best a necklace that says "Will you be here?" and then at the bottom of the heart it says "Always" it had a couple diamonds and inside was a picture of me in Connor's arms kissing. After that we ate mcdonalds in a dark alley way it was perfect to me and then we went to a pool and he threw me in in the middle of te night we had a make out session and the i pushed him in the pool we both went home soaked and my  mom laughed at us we then filmed a video and at 4:09 a.m when i was born my family walked in and gave me there presents along wit April,Shaylie, Lillie and Jack April gave me a bunch of crop tops that i had picked out and told her were cute but never bought them and she gave me a stack of rings that were gorgeous and a penny board with my name on it for when i'm in Cali.  Shaylie gave me a 100$ Itunes gift card but i gave it to Connor because i listen to his stuff anyways she also gave me 3 different bikini's from when they went to Portland i loved them and Connor did too. Lillie gave me a crap load of stuff 3 pairs of jeans , 2 Sweaters, 6 thongs and 10 necklaces all from ardene's. Jack gave me a 200$ Gift card for starbucks and a dress that was much like a baggy flow skirt it said "B*tch you hate me cause you ain't me , step back" and he gave me a rainbow beanie. my little brother gave me an Imac which i died over the only apple product i had was my phone it was an Iphone4 it was my dad's but he preferred black berries.

then i was lead outside to what was my new shinny , green ford focus i died right there i was so appy i nearly woke up the neighborhood when the neighboor down the street flicked there bedroom lights on we all ran inside and turned the front door light off it was funny.

Today was the day that April and i are leaving along with Connor on our road trip we decided to let April pick Ricky up in alabama while she drove my car while i went with Connor in his car.

we packed up and we were off like a heard of elephants after our 3 families cried over us it was emotional and Connor cried when we were out of sight of everyone but i handed him his vlogg camera and it changed his mood right around. We jammed out to so pretty awesome songs then i took a nap woke up with Wendy's on the dash board for me then started texting a lot. We after about another million hours ifell asleep

. i woke up  in a drive way to a big house Connor was holding my hand and trying to wake me up "Willow? wake up were home!" he whispered in my neck causing me to laugh it tickled okay?

i looked at him still tired. i put my my finger on his lip and shushed him i then turned away and cuddled into my seat to sleep. i heard im chuckle then he kissed my forehead and got out of the car and opened the trunk i fell asleep after that. i woke up on the couch and i fluffy substance in my and i heard a southern chuckle and i felt a breath on my neck

"guys she won't smack her self she''ll end up using her other hand to scratch her face  and hit either you or the couch with the shaving cream" i think it was Connor who said that i realized i was being pranked i scratched my nose with my left hand the clean one and then i opened my eyes and smacked Kian right square in the face

"Kiaaan let me sleep" i rubbed my hand on his shirt and took his beanie to put over my face and block the light out "omg Kian your covered in shaving cream!" a southern yet normal accent said was that Jc?

''I told you! i know my girlfriend well" connor exclaimed i heard foot steps and i knew it was Connor coming to wake me up but instead i pulled im down onto the couch and cuddled into him. He let out a chuckle and the put his hands around my waist "babe why don't you go sleep in our bed rather then being pranked on the couch?" whoah what my room is set up?

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