26 (are you there? always)

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*Ricky POV*Dead, gone, nonexistent, fake IN PAIN.

these are all words i use to describe this moment i'm on this uncomfortable bed and it is very annoying let me tell you! Where am i? i hear nothing but i can see light beaming down am i in heaven?.

i open my eyes to feel scared and stupid. A. why the hell did i think it was heaven, B. why am i in a hospital when i could be vlogging at the beach 'let's go to the beach , beach let's go get awa-... no stop Ricky! stop talking to your self in your head. weirdo.

i get up to find hooks attached to me. what on earth did i roll into a ditch or some shit like that.? where is everyone. well since i can't get up and i'm board may as well look for my phone!

-moments of stupidity later-

Fuck! where is my phone well i'm-a ring da bell for so asistance. i pushed the yellow button on the wall and sirens went off.... i thought fire alarms were red?

"I'm sorry i thought fire alarms were red!" i say to the shocked lady in my room. am i really that ratchet lookin?

"you-your alive" she touched my face.

"uh what happened? can i go home now?" i ask trying to break the awkwardness. She called for Connor and he came rushing in

"Oh good Connor take me home please i must look so ratchet" i  sighed trying to fix my hair but realizing it was covered in gause and stitches. "C-connor?" i looked up he was still in like freeze mode

"Uhh CONNOR THIS ISN'T FREEZE TAG WHAT IS HAPPENING!" i yell at him and motion him to sit across from me in the chair. the nurse leaves closing the door behind her Connor looked tired and hungry he looks depressed.

"it's a mircle" Connor cried into my shoulder "your alive , i love you buddy" he sobbed i would probably to if i knew what was happening

"Connor can you tell me what happened?"  i asked he nodded as he brushed the tears off his face.

"two days ago, we were driving to the beach all of us Me , you , Jenn, Willow, Jc , Rebecca a-and Li- Lia..'' he paused i can tell something bad happened to Lia crap!

"We were driving along , then Willow freaked out , a drunk driver was speeding at us so she swerved so we wouldn't get hit. AND W-WE ended up only getting hit on.... L-ia's side w-w-we spun a-around and WE LANDED UPSIDE d-down in the ... the ditch" he was scream crying and i was crying to fuck what happened next. "Jc was screaming so was Jenn , you weren't moving or breathing, Li-a is de-dead , Willow had glass in her sto- in her stomach and Rebecca was having a level 10 panic attack. i was trying to figure out everything" he was shaking now and i was sobbing

"we were all shipped to the hospital and Lia... she was pro-noucned dead as soon as we arrived Jc tried to kill him self and Willow was screaming.Jenn and i perfectly fine some how, Rebecca was still in shock and they said you would be in a coma and most likely die from blood loss and cracking your skull on the window in two places." Connor was mumbling i was now in shock.

"Willow is good now, Rebecca too, Jc has suicidal depression , Jenn is tramatized and has anxiety now. Your alive. I am perfectly ok besides the fact that i had to watch my friends no scratch that i had to watch my family live through that." his voice cracked. Suddently the nurse came in and i felt broken as she ushered Connor out so i could do the check out test thingy. Fuck here comes more trouble and sadness for the o2l house. R.I.P Lia Marie Johnson

~Short chapter we know it was just sad for us to write but we need to give you guys something right





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