Secret #2

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I sat back in the passenger seat, Hitting the steering wheel with the palm of my hand. I let out a loud breath, looking in the back seat of my car - seeing my laptop bag still sitting there. I pull my laptop out and open it, Skimming through each of the surveillance videos from last night. I had stopped watching the girls a while ago, But I still had the cameras set up so if -A ever came around; I'd be the first to know. I look at the cameras directed at the Montgomery house.. Trying to find footage of Aria leaving.

I recall leaving Aria's house around 12 p.m, So I skipped each four camera's to that time stamp. There's me leaving, I thought to myself as I watched myself get into my car.
I sat there with the laptop on my lap, Waiting to see Aria leave the house. At around 1:32 A.M I seen the front door open; I narrowed my eyes. It wasn't Aria but it had to be Aria, Her and I were the only ones in the house and after I left - No one entered. At-least, It wasn't caught on video if someone did.
I looked at the person's shoes, Combat boots. It was Aria, But why was she wearing a wig?

I was perplexed as I watched the video before my eyes, Aria had on her usual combat boots which gave her away right off the bat. She had on a black wig that flowed past her shoulders, Wearing a red coat that hugged her curves. I could tell it was Aria after she started towards the sidewalk, I could see the barely noticeable baby bump. The footage wasn't the best, Very low quality so what looked like a little baby bump was actually slightly bigger.

I pulled out my phone, Dialing Jason's number as I brought the phone up to my ear.
I leaned my arm against the inside of my cars window ''Hello?'' Jason answered.
''Hey, It's Ezra. Are you at your place?'' I questioned, I waited as he took a long pause.
''Yeah why, What's up?'' He questioned; Worried.
''Something's come up.'' I told him, Not revealing everything over the phone.
''You can come over, I got some new footage to look over so I could use your help.'' He informed me.
I nodded to myself ''On my way.'' I said irritated, Not at him.. At Aria.
I hung up the phone and started my car, Taking one last look at Aria's house.. I shook my head in disbelief.

I pulled up in the Dilaurentis parking lot, Heading for the front door as Jason opened it as soon as I stepped on to the stairs.
''What's the problem?'' He asked, I stepped inside and took off my coat.
''I don't even know how to begin to answer that.'' I said slowly, Still bewildered.
Jason gave me a smug expression as we headed down to the hidden room.

I sat in the same chair I had sat the previous night ''Did you watch the surveillance from last night?''
I questioned him, Wondering if he already knew. Jason shrugged his lips as his brows furrowed ''No.. should I?'' He questioned, Clearly he had no idea what I was talking about.
''Just show me what you got.'' I told him, Pushing my problems out of the way for the time being.
Just as he did before, He clicked around and pressed the keys on the keyboard - Bringing up a video and pressing play.
''I sent Mona out to go sleuth around, She came back with this.'' Jason educated me.
I watched the screen closely as the video played out, A familiar location was in view. It was the kissing rock.
I didn't know exactly what I was waiting for until a red-coat-combat-boot wearing woman came into view, I sat there silent as my eyes widened slowly. I licked my lips as another familiar face came into view Cece Drake. I watched as the blonde stood there inches from Aria, Not seeming to have a clue who she was standing face to face with. ''They are planning it for Tuesday night.'' Cece spoke softly. Aria nodded as her black wig moved with her, The mask staying in place the whole time. ''Ezra Fitz will be dead by midnight, Tuesday.'' Cece's voice was shaky, As if Aria was her leader. 

''Aria won't get hurt.. Yet. We have to save the liars for last.'' Cece informed her, Aria nodded slowly as if she hadn't a clue that Cece was talking about her. Tuesday was only two days away, What were they planning and why would Aria want me dead? 
Cece walked away as Aria stood there as still as stone.
how could she go from leaving the house and meeting Cece and planning my death?
Suddenly memories played in my head of all the times Aria seemed out of place, Or dazed.
I thought had crossed my mind after I had met her, I had thought she had personality disorder but I couldn't convince myself enough to believe it. 

''Put the video on that you showed me from last night.'' I told Jason, He did just as so.
I listened to the woman's voice again, Still unrecognizable so that wasn't Aria.
So my thought was true, She does have a personality disorder. The one and real Aria is inlove with me while the other is trying to kill me.. How the hell did I not notice?

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