How do you know it's love?

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''Me?'' I questioned Spencer as she looked from Aria to I as if we were total strangers, Spencer twitched her head then shook it left to right ''No. no. Aria, You're.. -A'' 

Aria scoffed, Baffled by her friends thoughts ''Spencer, Do you know how crazy that sounds?'' Aria tried to reason with her ''I'M NOT CRAZY!'' Spencer yelled with all her might, Looking Aria dead set in the eyes. ''Ok.. Calm down.'' I hushed Spencer, Not wanting this to get out of hand,

''Spencer, I'm not -A! Why would I hurt my best friends?'' Aria questioned her thought to be friend as I stood there and watched. Spencer's whole body twitched as pill body flew out of her hoodie pocket - Aria snatched it quickly; I glanced over and read the label.. Disappointed in Spencer. ''I thought you were clean, Spence! I thought you stopped taking these!'' Aria was angered, I felt bad for Spencer.. Habits were not hard to kick but she had so many people supporting her and yet she continued to abuse. I looked over the Adderall label one last time as Spencer snatched it out of Aria's hand ''I-I-I'm not thinking clearly! Toby and I.. T-We.'' Spencer scrambled to find the right words but it was obvious she had no idea what she was doing or thinking. ''Spence, Go home; Do not take anymore of these pills.'' Aria was concerned for her friends well being, Spencer sniffled as she walked the walk of shame out the door.


Aria and I had brushed off Spencer's words from last night, We both knew she wasn't in the right frame of mind but I didn't understand what made her think Aria was -A in the first place. Aria has been with my twenty four seven and when she is not its because she is at school, I just hope Spencer doesn't blow this out of proportion and puts the wrong pieces of the puzzle together.

I rolled over on to my side, Watching Aria sleep peacefully - Curled up underneath the blankets with most of the pillows under her head. Taking steady breaths as she was in her most calming state. One way or another Aria always put me in awe, I don't know how she does it or if she even knows that she does it but there are moments like this when I look at her and think 'This is what I'm living for'

I felt bad for having to wake her, But if I didn't then we'd miss the appointment and I didn't barely sleep all night for nothing. ''Aria..'' I spoke softly, Aria squirmed in her spot ''Aria..'' I said once more, Nudging her cheek with my nose. Aria's eyes flew open ''Hmm?'' She questioned half asleep, ''You have to get up, The appointment is in an hour.'' I told her in a whisper, Playing with the worn out curl in her hair. ''Why does it have to be so early.'' She complained, I laughed ''Did you want me to make coffee?'' I asked - Smiling at her. Aria nodded ''Yes, Please.'' Her tone was of a little kid who wanted something badly.

I turned on the coffee maker, Looking over at Aria as she sat at the end of the bed; Trying to wake herself up. I didn't blame her for being so tired, Everything was so emotionally and mentally exhausting the last few days that all we've wanted to do was sleep.

I handed Aria the hot mug filled with coffee ''So what are you hoping for?'' I asked her as I blew on my coffee to cool it down, Aria shrugged ''Either way I'm going to love him or her.'' She said chipper as she patted her stomach. I smiled, This was easier to get use to. I had never really planned my future with Aria because I knew that one day she was going to graduate and go to college or university any where in the world; I knew that she wouldn't be mine for long but as long as I did have her - I was thrilled. Now, I can actually plan and hope, There is still a chance that she will want to move far away and who knows maybe even find somewhere else but that child will always be my child - Our child.


Dr, Vita greeted us with a warming smile, I think she was starting to get use to the idea of our relationship and Aria's pregnancy though it did still look bad it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Aria was so use to getting ultrasounds that she already knew what to do, Aria lifted up her shirt as I smiled at her small baby bump. Since she is so petite, Her stomach is still really small.

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