part 14(a)

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Oh foo bhai, then or now but I told na .now leave it u Have this its yummy. Before he say anything she pushed chocolate in his mouth. And said yummy na.

Here take na have all of u .and gave that box to anjali. Acting completing new with them as nothing happened in past.

I'm fine kushi thank u anjali said with smile .

Before kushi take another chocolate , maan grabed it from her and said stop now .u shall  have dinner .and gave that box to Robin (servant) who came to take back empty glasses.

Pouting she looked at maan.

Stop pouting, look at yourself how exhausted u look and this messy hair .

Haaa bhai chill na kushi said sat beside shivya .and told Robin can u get me  some water please.

Sure ma'am Robin said and went .

Btw congratulations , yours designs were fabulous akash told after long silence from him . To kushi

Wow u know to speak Anika suddenly in wow as it was 1st time she saw akash speaking from last 40mins.

Anikaa shivya gave her a cold glare.

Sorry my wife sometimes crack lame jokes .shivya said as he felt akash was embarrassed .

That's fine shivya .she  make me remember  of my saleee. Akash said giving smile to Anika.

But must say yours designs were really fabulous, u have a good designer .akash said  looking at kushi

Thank u Mr akash. But I'm not designer .its completely not my profession .its just I have some basic on Drawings that's it kushi told give a same smile like always .

Arnav kept stealing glance at kushi. She gave one glance at him and dint bother to look at him .

But kiddo were is varun , I have not seen him since mrng shivya said as he thought both will be together.

I don't know we're is he .kushi told him back. I haven't spoken to him  since last night as we fought.

Again , this time what u both made that u fought again. Shivya asked.

It was silly fight bhai but where he went and it's Sunday too .He usually spend Sunday in home .nor he told me anything .saying this she took her phone out to call him.

Before she could call him .

Hello everyone , he said to raizardas and tured towards his two brothers and told  before u both start yours question. I was with steave and had went to collage for some paper work varun said holding his ears ..
That's fine then maan said and shivya gave  nod.

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