Exodus 18:1-18:27

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Jethro Visits Moses

18 Now Jethro, the priest🤵 of Midian and 👴father-in-law⚖️ of Moses👴🏽, heard👂 of everything God had done for4️⃣ Moses👴🏽 and for4️⃣ his people👥 Israel, and how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

2 After Moses👴🏽 had sent📤 🅰️away his wife💍 Zipporah, his 👴father-in-law⚖️ Jethro received📥 her 3 and her two2️⃣ sons👬. One1️⃣ son👦 was named Gershom, for4️⃣ Moses👴🏽 said🗣️, "I have 🐝become a🅰️ foreigner in a🅰️ foreign land🗺️"; 4 and the other was named Eliezer, for4️⃣ he said🗣️, "My 👴father's God was my helper; he saved me from the ⚔️sword🗡️ of Pharaoh👳."

5 Jethro, Moses'👴🏽 👴father-in-law⚖️, 2️⃣together with Moses'👴🏽 sons👬 and wife💍, came to2️⃣ him in the wilderness, where he was camped🎪 near the mountain⛰️ of God. 6 Jethro had sent📤 word🔡 to2️⃣ him, "I, your 👴father-in-law⚖️ Jethro, am coming to2️⃣ you with your wife💍 and her two2️⃣ sons👬."

7 So Moses👴🏽 went out to2️⃣ meet🤝 his 👴father-in-law⚖️ and bowed🙇 down⬇️ and kissed😘 him. They👥 greeted🤝 each other and then went into2️⃣ the tent⛺. 8 Moses👴🏽 told🗣️ his 👴father-in-law⚖️ about everything the Lord had done to2️⃣ Pharaoh👳 and the Egyptians for4️⃣ Israel's sake and about all the hardships⛵🛶🚤🛳️⛴️🛥️🚢 they had met🤝 🅰️along the way and how the Lord had saved them👥.

9 Jethro was delighted😊 to2️⃣ hear👂 🅰️about all the good👍👌👌 things the Lord had done for4️⃣ Israel in rescuing them from the hand🤚 of the Egyptians. 10 He said🗣️, "Praise🗣️ be🐝 to2️⃣ the Lord, who rescued you from the hand🤚 of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh👳, and who rescued the people👥 from the hand🤚 of the Egyptians. 11 Now I know🎓 that the Lord is greater than all other gods, for4️⃣ he did this to2️⃣ those who had treated🍩🍪🎂🍰🍫🍬🍭🍮 Israel arrogantly." 12 Then Jethro, Moses'👴🏽 👴father-in-law⚖️, brought a🅰️ 🔥burnt🔥 offering and other sacrifices to2️⃣ God, and Aaron came with all the 👴👴🏻👴🏼👴🏽👴🏾👴🏿elders👵👵🏻👵🏼👵🏽👵🏾👵🏿 of Israel to2️⃣ eat a🅰️ meal with Moses'👴🏽 👴father-in-law⚖️ in the presence of God.

13 The next ☀️day☀️ Moses took his seat💺 to2️⃣ serve as judge👩‍⚖️ for4️⃣ the people👥, and they👥 stood🕴️ 🅰️around🔃🔄 him from 🌥️morning🌥️ till 🌙evening🌙. 14 When his 👴father-in-law⚖️ saw👁️ all that Moses👴🏽 was doing for4️⃣ the people👥, he said🗣️, "What is this you are doing for4️⃣ the people👥❓ Why do you 🅰️alone sit💺 as judge👩‍⚖️, while all these people👥 stand🕴️ 🅰️around🔃🔄 you from 🌥️morning🌥️ till 🌙evening🌙❓"

15 Moses👴🏽 answered🗣️ him, "🐝Because the people👥 come to2️⃣ me to2️⃣ seek👁️ God's will. 16 Whenever they👥 have a🅰️ dispute, it is brought to2️⃣ me, and I decide ➡️between⬅️ the 🎉parties🎊 and inform them of God's decrees🗣️ and instructions."

17 Moses'👴🏽 👴father-in-law⚖️ replied🗣️, "What you are doing is 🚫not🚫 good👎. 18 You and these people👥 who come to2️⃣ you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too2️⃣ heavy🔩 for4️⃣ you; you ⛔cannot⛔ handle it 🅰️alone. 19 Listen👂 now to2️⃣ me and I will give you some 🅰️advice, and may God be🐝 with you. You must be🐝 the people's👥 representative 🐝before4️⃣ God and bring their disputes to2️⃣ him. 20 Teach👩‍🏫 them his decrees🗣️ and instructions, and show👁️‍🗨️ them the way they👥 are to2️⃣ live and how they👥 are to2️⃣ 🐝behave. 21 But select capable men👬 from all the people👥 ➖ men👬 who fear😱 God, trustworthy men👬 who hate dishonest gain ➖ and 🅰️appoint them👥 as officials over thousands1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣, hundreds💯, fifties5️⃣0️⃣ and tens🔟. 22 Have them👥 serve as judges👩‍⚖️ for4️⃣ the people👥 at all ⌚⏰⏱️times⏲️🕰️🕛, but have them👥 bring every difficult case to2️⃣ you; the simple cases they👥 can decide themselves. That will ⛏️⚒️make🛠️🔨 your load lighter💡, 🐝because they👥 will share it with you. 23 If you do this and God so commands🗣️, you will be🐝 able to2️⃣ stand🕴️ the strain, and all these people👥 will go home🏠 satisfied😃."

24 Moses👴🏽 listened👂 to2️⃣ his 👴father-in-law⚖️ and did everything he said🗣️. 25 He chose capable men👬 from all Israel and ⛏️⚒️made🛠️🔨 them leaders of the people👥, officials over thousands1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣, hundreds💯, fifties5️⃣0️⃣ and tens🔟. 26 They👥 served as judges👩‍⚖️ for4️⃣ the people👥 at all ⌚⏰⏱️times⏲️🕰️🕛. The difficult cases they👥 brought to2️⃣ Moses👴🏽, but the simple ones1️⃣ they👥 decided themselves.

27 Then Moses👴🏽 sent📤 his 👴father-in-law⚖️ on🔛 his way, and Jethro returned📥 to2️⃣ his own country🌐.

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