Holding Hands

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Holding Hands

Hunter and Duna were walking down to the beach near the outskirts of Vivosaur City. It was about six months after Hunter defeated the planet eater Guhnash and saved Duna from being stuck in stone sleep forever. Nowadays it was rare not to see them together. Duna was trying to acclimatize to the social norms of the humans, and today was no different. While on her way to meet up with Hunter, Duna could see two girls talking with him. Normally things like this wouldn't bother her seeing as how Hunter was famous, but she was near enough to hear some of the conversation going on.

"So, are you like seeing anyone?" One of the girls asked, her voice sounding snobbish.

"Well, actually yes I am, I'm going out with Duna." Hunter said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. Duna smiled as she felt a rush of heat hit her cheeks, what she heard next almost set her off.

"Oh, you mean the Dinaurian girl?" The other girl asked in disdain.

"What is it you see in her?" Before Hunter could respond, Duna walked over and glared at the two girls. "Excuse me, but Hunter and I have a preexisting appointment so if you don't mind…" She took a hold of Hunter's arm, turned around, and started walking away. She flicked her tail at them as they walked away.

"How rude!" One of the girls said in a gasp and the other shook her head.

As they reached the beach, Hunter couldn't help but glance over at Duna nervously. Her eyes were shut and she seemed upset.

"Um, Duna? Are you okay?" he asked. She let out a sigh. "Well, maybe I was being a little harsh with those girls back there, but I felt insulted at the way they addressed me."

Thinking about it, Hunter suddenly asked, "Were you jealous?" Duna stopped dead in her tracks. He smiled at her, understanding.

"Maybe I was. I mean I don't mind you talking with people, but they were really being rude. I thought that they were trying to get you to rethink going out with me." Duna said nervously

"Well, I chose to ask you out and I don't regret my decision." Duna blushed when she heard that, but she still looked uncomfortable. Hunter looked at the sunset, hoping for an idea. When an idea formed in his head, he snapped his fingers.

"Here." Hunter said and gently took Duna's hand in his and intertwined their fingers. She gasped at his soft touch.

"W-what a-a-are y-you…" she started to say flustered.

"Here on Earth, one way to show affection is to hold hands. It's an outward sign that two people are together." Duna thought about it and realized that she had seen couples do this before. "I think I could get used to this." she said timidly. Hunter smiled again and they continued walking on the sand.

Yes, she could get used to this indeed

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