Your Family Is My Family

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Hunter realized he didn't have Alice and got upset. He quickly got out his Teffla. He jumped on her back and she flew as fast as she could to the Visitor Center. She landed and went to her Dino-medal. Hunter kept it out just in case. He burst through the entrance doors and then burst through the door to the room Duna was in. She jumped and turned around.

"Hunter...?" Duna asked confused.

"Come with me. Leave the VMM, and come with me!" Hunter said.

"Drop it!" Hunter said. He took it out of her hands and tossed it to the floor. He grabbed her and quickly pulled her out of the building. He threw his Teffla's medal to the ground and Teffla appeared. Hunter threw Duna on Teffla's back and yelled at her to go as he climbed on.

"Hunter, what the hell is-"

An explosion erupted from the back of the Visitor Center. There were screams and alarms everywhere. Hunter bumped his foot against Teffla's thigh and she went higher. Duna and Hunter looked down and saw three large Guans each with different colors and spikes. They saw one Guan strain and morph into a T-Rex. It bellowed angrily.

"" Duna was freaking out. "What was that all about?!?"

"The terrorist guy that orchestrated the Battle of the Rogues is just a
merc-for-hire. He and his men rigged the VMM you were studying. It had a tracking device on it and they were going to either kidnap you, or kill you. Luckily I got there just in time." Hunter explained.

"Oh, my God. I think this is even bigger than we previously imagined. If that guy isn't the one behind all this, than there's someone....or...something even more powerful! What should we do?" Duna asked.

"Well, you're one of the few Dinaurians that hasn't been kidnapped or taken to the Dinaurian mothership. So the terrorist group is obviously looking for you. Do you have your Dinaurian communicator?" Hunter asked.

"Yes. Land Teffla somewhere far from the main town so I can call Dynal." Duna said.

Hunter nodded and leaned forward to Teffla's face and told her to find a safe quiet place away from town. She chirped in affirmation and flew to a cave in the side of a mountain. Duna pressed the button on her communicator and jumped off Teffla's back. She put the device on the ground. A hologram of Dynal appeared. He looked dirty and a little beaten up.

"Dynal? Are you alr-"
"Duna! You're safe! Oh, thank Dakot!! Is Hunter there? Is he okay?" Dynal asked worried.

"Hey, Dynal. Ys, I'm here." Hunter said.

"This relieves me immensely. I'm glad you two cou-"

"Terribly sorry to interrupt, Dynal. But we need to be up there with you guys immediately. We are not in a safe place at the moment." Hunter said hastily.

"I understand. I am sending troops to come get you right now." Dynal said as he typed something. "See you shortly."
The hologram turned off and Duna picked up the device, turned it off, and put it away.

"Teffla. Get in your medal." Hunter said.
Teffla nodded and converted.

Duna grabbed Hunter's hand and he grabbed hers. They both took a deep breath as light flashed around them.

Hunter and Duna's hands separated as they were transported onto the mothership. When they let out air and opened their eyes, they noticed the ship was way more full than usual. Many humans and dinaurians had robotic prosthetics or replaced parts. There were groups of dinaurian and human children were playing. Dinaurian adults were talking and laughing with human adults. Hunter smiled and felt his eyes heat a little. He wiped away a tear.
"Hunter? What's wrong?" Dr. Diggins asked walking up.

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