Barely Escaping

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"What the hell do you think you're doing??" The hybrid woman yelled. Her voice was an angry roar.

Hunter switched the headset to speaker and yelled.

"Undoing your sadistic acts!" He yelled.

"Hehehe, if it isn't Hunter! I'm a little upset you didn't come to visit me in person..." She said in a chuckle.

"Shut up! Just tell me why you're doing.....this!" Hunter said.

"Don't you see?" The woman asked in surprise. "I'm doing nothing wrong! I'm simply doing something that will benefit all. Combine one great species; Humans, and another great species; Dinaurians! The great Fossil God has provided both species a chance to meet. I'm just doing what's necessary for both of their survival!"

"No you're not. You're just mad! You're not right in the head! What gives you the right to determine what happens to the species? You have no say so in what happens. Neither does anybody else." Hunter said. The ship they were in started to set off an alarm. The walls started to shake. The hybrid woman growled and looked at the vivosaurs before her.

"Ugh! I will not waste time fighting you! If you want clear answers, my good Hunter, you will come search for me yourself. If you don't? Then more and more hybrids and Amalgas will be formed. It is your choice!" The woman said. She screeched and ran towards the back of the room. Nancy was about to chase after her when Hunter yelled.

"Nancy, no! You need to get out of there and try to find help for Edna!" He said.

Nancy immediately nodded and barked at Pam and Jam. Pam and Jam then flew to Edna and helped her on Nancy's back. Nancy let out a hooting growl and they all quickly flew out of the room. The ship around them started to collapse. Sundo went into the corner of the room and swallowed something. Nancy was going to squawk, but decided they didn't have time. The rooms behind them started to crumble. Rubble fell on the computers causing them to burst in an explosion of purple electricity. The vats shattered behind them. Nancy roared to the others to move faster. As they moved further, they came across the big hallway. Nancy could see that there was a large pile of rubble above the path that could fall at any moment and she screeched for the others to make it quick. Pam and Jam flew towards the doorway with their long tails coiled. Nancy then zoomed through the doorway. She turned to see Sundo flying as fast as she could to the door. Before she could make it any closer, the large pile of rubble blocked the entrance and Nancy's view of Sundo was lost. Nancy screeched in desperation and tried to move the rubble, but it was too heavy. After a few moments of trying to get to Sundo, Nancy heard Pam and Jam tweet in fearful alarm. Nancy turned to see them cowering while they waited for Nancy to give the go. She felt defeated, but told them to go quickly. She may have lost Sundo, but she wasn't going to lose her twins.

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