Preparing For a Visit

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A week past since Duna was admitted to the hospital, and she made a well recovery. She still had a little trouble breathing, but it wasn't too bad. Hunter walked into her room one morning to see her standing at the window, looking out. Her face showed deep contemplation.

"I see you're doing better, Duna." Hunter said as he walked up to her. She turned and looked towards him with a smile.

"I just can't wait to get started." She said.

"Started? With what?" Hunter asked in confusion.

"Dr. Diggins came in to see how I was doing yesterday, and I told him about what happened with Rosie's Siamo. He wants to figure out what's causing this as much as both you and I do, so we're going to work together." She explained.

"That's great. I hope we can figure this out before someone else gets hurt." Hunter said with determination.

"Me too." She said, looking down. Duna thought back to when she was in pain as the rogue Siamo came close to killing her. She could've sworn she remembered the Siamo saying something as it cosed in. But it didn't feel to her like the Siamo was saying it. She had communicated with a Siamo before, and the Siamo that attacked her sounded nothing like any vivosaur she had ever talked to. Just then, the doctor came in.

"Good news!" He started. "Your paperwork is finished and you can go back home." Duna smiled with glee and walked over to the doctor and shook his hand.

"Thank you Doctor." She said warmly.
The doctor nodded smiling.

Hunter and Duna both walked out of the hospital and walked over to the park to sit down on a bench. Duna asked if anything was different in the week she was in the hospital and Hunter began telling her about some of the battles that were held.

"Hey Hunter?" Duna interrupted him. A little harsh to her perspective.

"Yes, Duna?" He asked.

"There was something I wanted to ask and I'm kinda ashamed that I didn't ask earlier. But you know my last name is Nichs, so I was wondering what your last name is." she said with a look of guilt on her face. Hunter shot a nervous glance at her before chuckling nervously and looking away quickly.

"Well, I…" Hunter started while tugging at the collar of his shirt.
"Well, she hasn't been on Earth long enough to know about this. also Honesty is the best policy with her so…" He thought to himself.

"My last name isn't something I'm proud of. It's a name that is both famous and infamous for certain reasons." He said looking down. Duna nodded in response.

"It's Markos." He finally said with a slight shake in his voice.

"Pardon?" Duna asked confused.

"My last name is Markos." Hunter said again.

"Oh, Hunter Markos… That's not so bad." Duna commented while thinking for a moment.

"Well, you may not think that after I tell you about my father…" Hunter began.

"What do you mean? Duna asked.

"Well, my father started a small business that deals with importing and exporting materials back on the mainland. It was a small thing at first, but after gaining some investors he began to expand his business. As he expanded, he began to buy out his competitors and turning out the employees there. If he couldn't put them on his payroll that is. Eventually, all that power and control went to his head. He soon wanted my mom and I to be the same way. I can still remember the fights they had. They started out small at first, but then they would get worse as time went past."

Fossils Fighting For PeaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora