Making Out

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Duna woke up in her bed and sat up, stretching her arms up and letting out a yawn. She began to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes and blinked a couple of times trying to clear her vision. As she took in the sight of her room, her eyes drifted to her alarm clock which read 9:30 A.M. She stood up and walked over to her dresser, opened one of her drawers and changed out of her night attire and into some normal clothes. She finished changing and her communicator went off. Duna walked over to the nightstand near her bed and opened it. A video image of King Dynal appeared.

"Good morning Duna." He greeted.

"King Dynal! Good morning to you too. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Peace Duna, you don't always have to be so formal with me. I'm calling because we have our yearly meeting today and I would like you to attend."

"Of course, I will attend." She answered. As she was one of the elite Dinaurian guards for him, it was customary for her to be there, no matter how boring these meetings got, but as much as she may not like them, she knew that Raptin hated them even more.

"Are you sure about this? I'm not pulling you away from anything right?" Dynal asked. She shook her head and smiled.

"Hunter and I don't have anything planned. Besides, he's teaching some of the newer fossil fighters about how to dig and clean dark fossils today." She explained.

"Oh okay, but that reminds me, how are you and Hunter doing?" He asked. She smiled and began to blush as she thought about some of the things that they have done.

"We're doing really good."

"That's good. I haven't seen him in a while. I'm glad to see that you're happy." He said. In truth, she couldn't be happier. Everyday when she got to spend time with Hunter, she had a smile on her face.

"Hunter is a fine young man and I know that he'll take care of you. I might go as far as to say he's like a son to me. He is quite the honorable individual.” He said.

"Thank you sir." She spoke.

When they had finished their conversation, Duna closed her communicator, grabbed her teleporter pendant and activated it. Light began to swirl around her and she vanished from her room and materialized in the main hold of the Dinaurian mothership still in orbit near Vivosaur Island. Duna walked along the corridors of the ship to the conference room where King Dynal and Raptin were already present. Duna took her spot to the right of King Dynal and stood with her arms behind her back. As some of the other members of the Dinaurian Hierarchy walked in she leaned over to Raptin and asked, "So, how are you enjoying still being on the ship?" Raptin just rolled his eyes and ignored her. She giggled to herself quietly as King Dynal stood up and addressed the Dinaurian Hierarchy.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you all for coming today. Now let us begin with your report Prime Minister Alek."

"Thank you sire." He responded, as he stood. He was an older looking Dinaurian who had a scar over his left eye. He had blue hair and was built rather muscular for his age. He had fought in a long forgotten war against an unknown enemy long before Duna was born.

"I have been coordinating with the humans with their expansion of Vivosaur City and can confirm that we can begin construction of housing units for the rest of the Dinaurian population still aboard the mothership."

"Excellent." King Dynal responded, "Do you have an estimate as to how long it would take to finish?"

"Early projections show that it will take at least a year for the first housing units to be complete. We have no shortage of volunteers however as some of the humans have asked to help." Dynal rubbed his chin the deep thought.

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