Depending On You

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Everyone was in shock. Duna was sniffing, about to start crying when Dynal stopped her. He brought Duna up to the tv and showed her that Cora wasn't crying or upset. She was actually smiling as she faced the woman. The woman looked like she'd been crying and her face was red.

"Is she...smiling??" Droma asked in disbelief.

"It would seem so, yes." Dr. Diggins said as he rubbed the stuble on his face.

"Just like Cora to help others in dire situations rather than herself." Duna chuckled.

"Sundo. Climb over to the cages. But be careful!" Hunter said into the mic.

Sundo carefully and slowly climbed the wall to the cages. The hybrid woman was now packing her computer into her bag. She held her wrist to her elongated muzzle and spoke into it.

"Don. I'm going down there, do you have it ready?" She asked. Her voice was surprisingly smooth and whistly. "Well, get it ready! I don't have time for delays!"

She growled and a long thin tail rose from behind her. It was longer than a Diplo tail. The tip moved toward her like a faceless snake. Once it reached her desk, it opened a compartment door and pulled out a small silver cylindrical object. It had a black button on it. The tail went about four feet from her body. Her tail placed the cylinder against itself. It pressed the button and a loud slicing noise sounded. The tip of her tail fell leaving a short tail. The most shocking thing to everyone was that the hybrid woman didn't seem phased at all by her tail being sliced. Like she didn't feel it.

"Why the hell would she do that?" Hunter asked alarmed.

"It's the best way for her to move. Her tail before she sliced it was too long for her to get anywhere. Although there could've been a better way of solving that issue." Dr. Diggins said.

"This whole thing is just....wrong." Dynal said in a sigh. He was sitting down at a table with his head in his hands and the tip of his tail twitching which was the Dinaurian's way of expressing disgust.

"Was that....thing a Dinaurian or a human before she decided to play God?" Droma asked.

"Hard to tell. There's a lot of aspects of both." Duna said.

The hybrid woman snapped at everyone in the cages and walked out the door.

'Sundo. Go down to the cages and try to
unlock the them." Hunter said into the mic.

She just glided to the floor and walked carefully to the woman's cage. She carefully used her dexterous fingers to slide the pin from its holder. The door creaked open and all three of the captives looked in surprise. Sundo changed her color to a pale pink. Droma went to Hunter and pressed a button on his headset and then she motioned him to speak to the woman.

"Hello, ma'am. Don't be afraid. We're the good guys and we're here to rescue you and everyone else. My name is-"

"Hunter?!" The woman asked surprised.

"Yes.....I'm Hunter. How do you know me...?" He asked.

"You're not just famous here! I'm from England and you're famous there! Oh, and my name is Edna." Edna said.

"Oh. Alright. Well stay right there while Sundo helps the others." Hunter said.

Edna nodded and walked behind Sundo. Sundo walked to Cora's cage and slowly unlocked it. She immediately burst through the door and hugged Sundo.

"Thank you, Hunter. And thank you, Sundo." Cora said as she kissed Sundo's beak. She went over to the V-Raptor's cage and unlocked it.

"Droma? Do we have shrinking technology? How can we stealthily get these three to safety along with all the others?" Hunter asked.

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