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Alice was wagging her tail with delight and walked to Rosie and Holt.

"Friends!!" Alice said happily.

"Ohhh my Fossil God...she...she..can speak now?!" Saurhead asked in shock.

"Apparently...I figured it would happen soon, but not so soon." Raptin said.

"What.....Rap..tin...mean?" Alice asked.

"Well, you are remarkably intelligent. Your intellect is that of mine, or Hunter's. You are even more advanced than any other vivosaur. Dynal and I have long theorized that you would soon move to speech, but both of us expected your speech to be a few years from now." Raptin said.

"Does anyone else know that you can talk?" Rosie asked.

"You.....Hunter....and....Am...Amalgas." Alice said.

"Who are-" Before Saurhead could finish his question, 017 walked up behind Alice.

Everyone exclamed in surprise and Zou growled and the hair on his back was up.

"Calm!" Alice said. "This.....017....he..friend."

"H-hi, 017...." Rosie said. She was trying the best she could to not look at 017.

"Hello, Rosie. And hello to Holt, Zou, Masha, and Odin. I do not know this man with the prosthetic leg, though. Who might you be?" 017 said. His CommuCollar beeped as he spoke.

"I'm...Saurhead. How do you know them?" He asked.

"Beauty has told me a lot about them." 017.

"....Beauty..?" Holt asked.

"Amal...Amalgas....keep call....Alice...Beauty." Alice said. She made a hissing noise that sounded like a sigh.

"Oh." Rosie said flatly.

"You must go now, Alice. We have made a promise." 017 said as he urged her out.

"What?" Holt asked.

Everyone stopped when they heard an electronic Australian voice yell.

"Hold on there, Beauty! You can't leave! We weh hittin' it off!" Tev said running up to them. Alice hissed in noticeable annoyance.

"Who...might this guy be?" Rosie asked intrigued.


"Well I'm her mate!" Tev interrupted.

"No! Alice....not like....Tev." Alice said annoyed.

"Oh don't be loike that, darlin'! You know ya loove me!" Tev said.

"Alice....don't love.....Tev!" Alice said angry.

"Okay, okay. Ease it down!" Holt said.

"Leave Beauty alone, Tev." 017 said.

"Can I go wid all of yas?" Tev asked.

"No!" Alice erupted.

"Tev, get in. The entrance being open is making the other Amalgas nervous. Tev, get in now." 017 said. Even though his CommuCollar had no tone, everyone could tell 017 was angry.

Eventually 017 got fed up with Tev's disobedience and closed the door behind Tev. It shut with a metallic clang. The noise echoed throughout the dark hallway.

"No!" Alice said upset.

"Well, it looks loike I'm stuck wid ya!" Tev said.

"Dammit!" Saurhead said under his breath.

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