Grief Is Inevitable

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Beep, Beep, Beep.

A beeping noise was the only sound that could be heard. Otherwise, everything else was dark as far as the eye could see. A feeling of freezing washed over Hunter's body as he felt like he was floating in an infinite abyss. He tried to look around but couldn't see anything. The cold feeling, he felt deep in his bones. He tried to move but found that he couldn't. The vast darkness was strangely calming.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Hunter tried to remember the last thing that happened. It was so hard to remember. He saw faces of people he tried to remember but only two remained. A beautiful woman's face tinted blue, long pink hair and yellow tinted eyes. Her petite lips were pressed into a smile as she looked at him. The other being a gorgeous red creature. Beautiful feather all around, and remarkably intelligent eyes looking at him for guidance. He tried to speak but didn't find a voice to speak with. Both of the images started to fade and Hunter began to panic. He knew they were important, but he couldn't remember there names. Their images faded completely and Hunter felt a small tear fall from his eye. He curled up in the fetal position. He began embrace what might happen to him. But a small light voice from somewhere around him whispered in an odd combination of urgency, peace, and anger.

"Don't give up, Hunter. They need you. She needs you. Don't stop fighting when there's still so much left to fight for. You're too important to give up now....."

Before Hunter could ask who the voice was, a light began to shine. It grew brighter and brighter until he couldn't take it anymore. The cold left and all he saw was white. Hunter closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Hunter opened his eyes and found himself in a hospital bed. He was still dazed and confused about what or who he witnessed. He moved his hand over his chest and found a bandage. But it wasn't bloody. The door opened and Holt and Rosie cautiously walked in. Hunter saw them,and it took a few seconds to register who they were and when he did he smiled.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Hunter asked weakly. Rosie walked over, pulled a chair over and sat down next to him.

"Are you okay, Hunter?" she asked full of worry. Hunter nodded and asked how long had he been there.

"A couple of days now. Things are a real mess." Rosie said flatly.

"Rosie, tell me what happened, I remember bits and pieces, but…"

Rosie looked down.

"Well, here's what happened; you saw the person who orchestrated the attack and went after him. He was a martial arts master and a criminal on the run who thought he could find action here." Rosie began to explain. Hunter listened but something seemed off.

"You said he was a common criminal, correct?" Hunter asked. She nodded. "Then why would he attack Dinaurians?"

Rosie sighed.
"He was a man for hire and we did some research in his background. We followed some leads and found that he is part of a group hiring people with technical expertise and paying them large amounts and offering protection from their pasts to create VMMs to steal Vivosaurs and condition them to be tools of war. His group is planning a full scale terrorist attack on Dinaurians." Holt explained. Hunter gripped the bridge of his nose.

"This just reeks of BB Bandits." Hunter said. Rosie nodded.

"You would be partially right. Some people in these groups were from the BB Bandits, but we also found some people are from the mainland."

"Is Vivian, Rex, and Snivels involved with this?" Hunter asked hoping they weren't.

"We called them and asked them, but they gave their word that they didn't and said they would help in any possible way. Apparently Snivels fell in love with a Dinaurian and the trio doesn't want anything bad to happen to the Dinaurians." Holt said.

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