Making a Recovery

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Hunter woke around 9 A.M. after a few hours of sleeping. Even though Duna was okay, he was restless and seeing her was the only way he was going to relax, but he wasn't the only one. Cora was just as restless and she wanted to see her as well. Not to mention Rosie who would keep apologizing until Duna forgave her.

The visiting hours for the hospital were from 11 A.M to 6 P.M. and Hunter didn't want to miss a moment so he got himself ready, got Cora and Rosie and all three walked to the hospital. Rosie was very on edge.

"Hello. We're here to see Duna Nichs." Hunter said to the hospital's secretary.

"Ah yes, she is in room D-24 on the second floor."

"Thank you."

"No problem, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you. She's been mumbling your name in her sleep. " The secretary responded with a smile. Hunter smiled back and all three moved to the elevator. They arrived on the second floor and walked down the halls to D-24 where a doctor walked out after checking in on her.

"Oh, are you here to see Duna?" he asked. Hunter, Cora and Rosie all nodded.

"Well, at the moment she is awake however I suggest that only one person can see her at a time. Too many people with her at once may overwhelm her. She is on medication at the moment." Hunter, Rosie and Cora all looked at each other and tried to decide what to do next.

"I think that Cora should go in first." Rosie said. Hunter nodded in agreement and Cora's face lit up.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she repeated while hugging Rosie with her tail wagging vigorously. Hunter couldn't help but chuckle as Cora walked into through the door and closed it behind her. Hunter sat down in one of the chairs that line the wall across from the door and waited with Rosie.

"Next will be your turn, Rosie." He said. she gulped nervously.

"What if she's still angry with me? There's no excuse for what I did!" She said.

"You don't have to worry about that. Cora will explain the situation and honestly, Duna can't really hold a grudge anymore, at least not after spending time with me. Just apologize to her and leave it at that and then after you're done talking with her I'll go in. Duna is a forgiving person. Trust me." Rosie nodded.

Meanwhile, inside the room Duna was on her back on the hospital bed and Cora was sitting next to her.

"Cora, it's nice to see you." Duna said weakly as she remained stationary. Duna's normally gentle and soothing voice was hoarse and scratchy. Cora had to resist the urge to throw her arms around her out of fear that she cause Duna more pain.

"It's nice to see you too. I was deathly worried about you. Do you remember anything?" Duna closed her eyes and tried to think back to yesterday when she was hurt by Rosie's Siamo. Most of her memory was a little blurry. Eventually she shook her head and looked down.

"No, I'm sorry." Duna said weakly.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't expect you to remember much." There was short pause between the two sisters. "So when do you think you will be released?" Cora asked breaking the pause.

"Maybe by the end of the week, the bite marks will heal soon but I need to remain stationary so my rib bones can mend."

"What was the damage?" Cora asked.

"Oh it was nothing too serious. Just couple of broken ribs, and massive impact to my chestal region, a fractured wrist, and a whole lot of bite marks." Duna said and the two began to giggle until a sharp pain caused Duna to wince and have a sharp intake of breath.

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