Chapter 32

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"Oh my Fossil God, is Cora okay?" Rosie asked as she walked in. Alice groomed her feathers, pretending not to notice Tev and Viro. Saurhead sat down on the floor exhausted.

"As far as we know, she's fine. She escaped along with all the captives. We found the leader, or rather, the head of all the terrorists. She is one horrid being. Cora and the others will land somewhere on the beach of Vivosaur Island." Dr. Diggins said.

"Once she's there, we'll transport her and the others here and then figure out a new plan." Dynal said.

"Well, all of you need to rest. No offense, but you all look like Saichan shit." Rosie said.

"Do you think you can handle things while we're out?" Duna asked in a yawn.

"Yeah. We can handle that." Saurhead said.

"Actually, I need you to search for Teffla. She's starting to be unable to go into her medal." Hunter said.

"Much like Alice..." Raptin pondered.

"I would do research, but I haven't got the energy for it." Dr. Diggins said.

"Don't worry. We're on it." Holt said. After everyone in the room had left to sleep, Rosie and the others stepped inside to search for Teffla. Rosie and Raptin typed away on the computers.

"I...uh...can I ask a favor?" Draconix asked awkwardly.

"Sure, what the hell. What do you need?" Rosie asked in an unnecessary bothered tone.

"My Spinax, Rage is lost as well. Viro and I lost track of him a while back." Draconix said.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Raptin asked.

"Knotwood Forest." Draconix and Viro said at once.

"Okay, okay. Chill out. Just out of curiosity, why were you in Knotwood Forest?" Rosie asked.

"I was enjoying my new life as a fossil fighter, and the three of us were searching for a new member. That was when we stumbled upon the Digadigs." Draconix said.

"And that was when I was granted the ability to speak in clear sentences." Viro added.

"Why did the Chieftain decide to bestow his magic upon you?" Raptin asked.

"He said something about receiving word about a big group of heroes that would join together to defeat a great beast and that Rage and I were included in that. Along with 'A brave man dressed in grey' and how he will be granted unimaginable power. Or.....something like that." Viro said. Alice looked like she was about to say something when a beeping came from the display screen. Raptin zoomed in on it.

"Looks like both Rage and  Teffla are in Knotwood Forest. For some odd reason, the terrorists haven't touched this dig site. Neither with Bottomsup Bay and the outskirts of Rivet Ravine." Raptin said.

"Well, some of us have to stay here and keep track of everything." Holt said. Most of them looked at Saurhead.

"Hmm. Holt, Rosie, and Raptin, you two stay here. You three know how to work all this the most. Buzz, Zou, and Rachel? You guys stay with them just in case. Draconix, stay up here. They need to keep you to speed. The rest of us will go. Alice and Teffla are basically sisters, and I'm sure Viro and Rage are like brothers. I'll go down in case things get messy. Sound like a plan?" Saurhead asked.

"What about Aussie boy?" Rosie whispered. Saurhead looked at Tev who was standing the doorway trying wrap his tails around each other. He then looked at Alice who was looking at him and shaking her head slowly.

"Uh....Tev?" Saurhead asked. Tev looked up at him.

"Yea?" He asked.

"Do you...uh....want to help Alice out?" Saurhead asked.

"Do I? I'd love teh!" Tev said as he spit a tooth out. He looked at her and winked. Alice snarled and Viro noticed a little smoke coming from her skin.

"The go to....uh....the dining halls and....uh....." Saurhead struggled to think up an excuse.

"Count and inspect all eight hundred sixty two Coelacanth sandwiches. But you have to carefully inspect them. And they're in that room behind the main dining hall." Draconix said butting in.

"You got it, mate!" Tev said, and he ran off.

"You do realize that you sent him..." Rosie began.

"To the contaminated food room? Yes. I don't know him well, but he seems very obnoxious." Draconix said.

"And he won't leave Alice alone. Seriously can't he see that she doesn't want him?" Viro blurted. As soon as he said it, he regretted doing so. "I mean...."

"Whelp! You guys better get going!" Rosie said, purposely interrupting. Saurhead, Alice, and Viro left the room and headed for the teleporters. Rosie called to them as she ran up.

"Wait, guys! You can't go anywhere without something that helps you communicate with us." Rosie said. She handed them each a headset, and they put them on. Rosie went back to the room and the rest entered the teleporters. 

"Hold on, we have to set the coordinates to Knotwood Forest." Raptin said through the earpiece. A moment later, they were teleported next to the familiar giant heap of scrap. A huge dusty cloud of dirt filled the air as they landed. It was actually very hot to Saurhead. He summoned Philia, his Dilopho, and asked her to climb on his back to keep him cool. She happily did so.

"Alright. You two look towards the entrance to the Digadig tribe. I'll search this area." Saurhead said. Alice and Viro nodded. They each went their separate ways.


"Where's Alice? Where's Hunter? Where's everyone else? How did I even get here? Think, Teffla! Keep a calm mind and think! Let's see.....the last thing you remember was falling out of the sky..... Maybe I could- Wait! What's that smell? It smells like an air-type. It's a male, and he seems just as lost as I am! His pheromones say that he's distressed. I should try to find him!"

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