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Hunter woke early in the morning, having trouble sleeping. He sat up and looked at his watch. It read 4:22 A.M. The sun hadn't even started to rise, but he wasn't doing anything that particular day. He had found all four types of bones for at least a hundred different Vivosaurs and he had gone out with Duna the day before so he decided with nothing better to do, that he would go out and watch the sun rise. Hunter walked over to his dresser and put on his usual attire and threw on a light jacket. As he walked out of his hotel room he couldn't help but look over at the door next to him. He smiled as he turned and walked over to the elevator. Hunter walked over to the park where he glanced at the Tyrannosaurus fossil embedded in the rock. He remembered back to when Frigi was attacking Vivosaur City.

"I thought that would have been Igno's fossil but it's just a T-Rex fossil." Hunter thought to himself as he sat down on a bench looking inland. His mind drifted back to the date with Duna. She seemed so happy, seeing the garden, but ultimately she told him that she was happiest just spending time with him. Other than Hunter and Alice, the only people she was really around were King Dynal, Raptin, and sometimes Rosie and Holt. Hunter chuckled to himself as he remembered Duna showing Holt her battle form. Holt looked at her with envy and she looked close to a V-Raptor. Hunter's memories were filled with all the time he spent on Vivosaur Island the good and the bad, but one memory stood out in his mind above all the overs and it was when Duna had asked to meet him.


"The match between Hunter and Saurhead is over! The winner is… Hunter!" P. A. and Slate announced over the intercom. The audience's reaction was mixed at best some cheering for Hunter and some booing for Saurhead's loss. Hunter turned to the people who were cheering and thrusted his fist into the air triumphantly. Near one of the exits of the fossil stadium a figure stood there in the shadows. With a small smile she turned and walked away before the people started to leave, her white dress flowing as she left. As Hunter walked into the reception room he was immediately surrounded by fans of Saurhead.

"You cheated!" one of them shouted angrily. The others either nodded or murmured underneath their breath.

"Saurhead never loses!" another yelled. The group started to move in. Hunter took a step back and found his back against the wall, literally. Hunter was balling his fists getting ready for a fight.

"We should have his fighter's license revoked for cheating!" one suggested, the others agreed and were about ready to grab him by the arms. A roar suddenly interrupted them and Hunter opened one of his eyes. The crowd parted as Saurhead walked up to Hunter.

"Get 'em Saurhead!" someone shouted.

"Show him that cheaters never win when it comes to you!" another shouted. Saurhead ignored them and rose his hand to quiet them. Everyone fell silent waiting for Saurhead to strike Hunter. Instead Hunter opened one of his eyes and saw Saurhead's hand in front of him. Hunter took it and Saurhead helped him up. The crowd behind erupted in anger that he help Hunter up. Saurhead, fed up with this let out another roar to quiet them.

"ENOUGH!" he bellowed. Everyone fell quiet. Saurhead turned to Hunter and shook his hand.

"Congratulations Hunter. You beat me fair and square. I would like to present you with your updated fighter's license. You are now a master fossil fighter. You should feel honored, to my knowledge there are only six masters on this island, but I dare say you've moved up to second best.

"Thank you. " Hunter said. There were murmurs in the crowd behind Saurhead again and he turned around. The crowd fell silent again.

"Hunter won against me because I didn't use my strongest Vivosaurs against him. If I did use those Vivosaurs he wouldn't stood a chance." He turned to Hunter, "I heard about how you saved Vivosaur City from attack by the BB bandits and that traitorous Bullwort. I knew that if I were to face you I had to test you to see if it was true. It was never my intention to win against you but I had to see how you and your Vivosaurs worked together. Although very sloppy, you commanded them with the respect and trust that a master does." He explained. Hunter rolled his eyes.

Fossils Fighting For PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now