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The vehicles slowly landed next to the large farm house. Holt looked absolutely astonished. When they reached the ground, Alice looked more than ready to get off the vehicle. Zou, Odin, and Masha jumped off and started chasing each other. The door to the farm house swung open and Jaxo emerged.

"Finally you people got here! Come on, I don't want my roushka to get bad because you blumbers stooped around out here! " Jaxo pauses for a moment. "Bene, sint in superficiem. Tali hebetudine sensus eorum paulo plus facit." He added. Mika gave him a correcting look.

"Veni in, mel! Da illis facultas!" She said.

"I am! Come on in." Jaxo said motioning to the inside. Everyone walked in, but Jaxo wouldn't let Masha, Buzz, Odin, or Zou in and pointed away for them to stay in the field. They growled, but Jaxo slammed the door in their faces. Inside their house, it was surprisingly vast and neat. It looked like the inside of one of those fancy suites for rich people. The walls were made mostly of what looked to be brown stained obsidian. The large dinner table was made of smoothed out granite. The table legs were actually bones of what looked to be an Ankylosaur. The couch was made up of a puffy shrub-looking material and it was very long. Instead of a TV being in front of the couch, there was a large bookshelf made of granite with loads of books and scrolls. Next to the dinner table, there a large island beautifully decorated like a pine tree forest. It looked like it was made of obsidian. 

"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Saurhead said looking around.

"Yes.....Alice....love it." Alice said in a deep growl.

"Well thank you! We enjoy it as well! Now, sit down please." Mika said. Jixeava scrambled into her seat and everyone else did too. There was a strange little structure that looked like a cross between a folding chair and a hammock. There wasn't a back for it, and it was long.

"What the hell is that?" Saurhead asked as he pointed at the chair.

"That's my day-slab, if you must know." Jaxo said in both a sour and casual tone.

"Day-slab? What's the reason for it?" Raptin asked curiously.

"Jaxo can't sit upright like humans or dinaurians. His body isn't built like that, so this chair helps him sit comfortably in a horizontal position." Mika said as she pulled out the chairs for everyone to sit in.

"Why are there two?" Raptin asked.

"One is for your astoundingly beautiful Utahraptor friend." Jaxo said.

"Thank....you!" Alice said happily as she fit herself on the day-slab.

Saurhead was surprised at how strong Mika was when she pushed everyone in with total ease. Jaxo came back into the room carrying three large silver bowls on each arm. He was also carrying a small Tupperware with his tail. He placed everything on the table. Rosie looked in one of the bowls and grimaced when she saw what was in it.

"What's wrong?" Mika asked.

"What is in that?" She asked pointing to the bowl.

"Those are glubas! They're very deliciously slimy on the inside!" Mika said. Jaxo unsheathed the claw on his index finger and stuck it in the bowl. He pulled his finger out and a slug-like creature with strange appendages on the sides was pierced on his claw. Holt brought his hand to his mouth. Saurhead stared at the grub with hopeful eyes. Rosie checked in the other two bowls and saw they were also filled with glubas. 

"What's in the Tupperware...?" Holt asked apprehensively.

"Roushka." Jaxo said. He said it as if it were obvious. 

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