Cuddling Together

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Hunter braced himself as he stood in Fossil Stadium glaring at his opponent. Each opponent he faced after he saved the world became tougher and tougher, and with the Dinaurians and Humans co-existing on Vivosaur Island,  some Dinaurians joined the ranks of Fossil Fighters, some were even granted the ability to utilize the Dinaurian battle armor. Hunter's opponent was a young Dinaurian male with battle armor that transformed him into an alien looking Dimetro and had a Dilopho and an O-Raptor on both sides of him. Hunter glanced down at his portable VMM device attached to his wrist. "Better go with a straightforward approach." Hunter thought to himself as he twisted the dial selecting the three Vivosaurs that defeated the three brains of Guhnash. He pushed the button next to the dial and the three Dino Medals dropped from a slot into the palm of his hand. Hunter smirked as the threw the Dino Medals in front of him showing a Spinax, Venator, and his U-Raptor Alice. She was very smart and Hunter treated her like a best friend and father.

"And now the moment we've been waiting for… The match between Hunter and Dymo. Tallying LP; Dymo has the first move. Ready Fight!" the announcers P.A. and Slate Declared. The audience erupted with multiple cheers for both fighters. Hunter looked over to his right and scanned the audience, looking for a special someone. It didn't take him long to spot her pink hair and yellow eyes. Just knowing that she was there made him confident to win.

Dymo moved to attack Spinax with a Dymo Bite and hit it close to its neck. Spinax reeled back in pain but quickly shook its head and growled. O-Raptor seized the advantage and attacked with Snout Combo. Hunter watched as Spinax took a couple of steps back and tried to recover. Duna having watched this happen reached into her pocket and pulled out a device that Dr. Diggins gave her, a Vivodex and looked up the two support Vivosaurs. She let out a small gasp when she saw in essence Dymo's battle armor, Dilopho and O-Raptor improve the FP or energy of their team; Dilopho added more energy to the team, O-Raptor leech's energy for its victim when it attacks and Dymo's armor matched the Dimetro's ability to boost its energy whenever its attacked. Hunter took notice of it too and glanced and the stat screen, Spinax's health was just above half and the Vivosaurs FP pool was empty.

"So that's his game? I can't help but be impressed." Hunter thought to himself with a smirk.

"Amazing! Dymo's team has effectively neutralized Hunter's FP pool. Now let's see how Hunter can salvage a victory from this."Slate announced, trying to hype the crowd up. The cheers coming from the audience intensified. It was Hunter's turn and he had to consider his options carefully. The FP pool regenerated but he only had a small amount to work with about 100 FP at best.

"Okay, I only have enough FP for one attack, maybe two at most and Spinax is not looking too good." Hunter thought as he looked at the stat screen. "The options thus far have been moderate at best and I need to get Dymo out of the front to have any chance. First option is to switch out to Alice and take a chance to knock him back to the EZ but if I do that Dilopho might take over and leave me at a type disadvantage and there's only a fifty percent chance of even knocking him back, second is to try and hit him with two small attacks and hope that a crit. can save me but the chances are too unlikely, third I swap out Spinax for Venator and hope that what Duna told me was true that most Dinaurian battle armor comes in air, neutral, or water but if that was the case why not attack Alice?" Hunter gasped at a revelation. "Dymo's battle armor is based off Dimetro so that means it might be a fire type!" Hunter looked defeated as he tried to choose the option with less risk. The audience started to go quiet as Hunter looked out of options.

"You can beat him Hunter! I believe in you!" a sudden voice called out. Hunter looked over and saw Duna standing up with a large smile on her face. He felt his heart beat faster and smiled back.

"I know you can beat him. You always have a plan. Look at his team, and you'll see a way!" she said.

"Duna." Hunter whispered and he felt his confidence skyrocketed. Duna sat back down and looked around at the people around her and started to blush. They were watching her shocked that she shouted in front of everyone. Hunter thought a little while longer and decided on what to do.

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