Saving is Important

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Saurhead's eyes slowly opened. A bright light shown in his eyes. He noticed he was laying on a bed that was slowly rising up and down. He sat up and tried to move his legs. A sharp jab of pain shot up from his right leg and he howled in pain. He yanked the blanket away and saw that his right leg wasn't there. A bloody stump was there instead. It was almost fully clotted, but was still bleeding in certain areas. He gasped in shock.

"Where the hell am I?!" Saurhead roared. There was an easily identifiable tremble in his voice.

A feminine voice yelled back in a comforting tone.
"It's okay, Saurhead! Relax. I'm coming!"

It was Droma. Saurhead relaxed a little as Droma speed walked over to him. Saurhead noticed the dried spots of blood all over Droma's labcoat, and concluded that she must've operated on him. She looked tired and her brilliant green hair was wet and some strands were matted to her forehead.

"Glad to see you're finally up. I was worried that I'd have to give you the Stratzi treatment again." Droma said.

"Why the hell do I not have a leg!?" Saurhead said. He was surprised to hear that his tone was more full of dispair rather than fury.

"Well, do you remember the attack?" Droma asked as she went to a worktable nearby and picked up a brown spray bottle and a roll of some kind of tape.

"For the most part, yeah. I was attacked by an unusually colored Epidex, Paki, and Compso. Why is that important?" Saurhead asked rubbing his neck.

"It's important because one of those rogues had a very infectious poisonous bite. It's unlike anything we've ever seen." Droma said.

"What do you mean?" Saurhead asked confused.

"Well it is very poisonous, but it's also very much like a virus. The bite of whatever rogue bit you seemed to inject a virus of some sorts. This virus seemed to have spread some toxic chemical that started to shut down all functioning parts of your leg..." Droma said until Saurhead interrupted.

"Wait...wait...isn't there already some type virus, or toxin, or whatever that does that?" Saurhead asked.

"In a way, yes. But the catch about this virus is that once all functioning parts of the leg was shut down, your leg started trying to attack me and a few other doctors. It's almost as if had its own mind. I also noticed that it wasn't completely organic. I found traces of microscopic programmable computer chips. I had to cut off your leg, because it was spreading and I couldn't find anything to slow it or stop it." Droma said.

"That doesn't sound good..." Saurhead said fretfully.

"What do you mean?" Droma asked confused.

"How many reports are there of other people getting bit by rogues?" Saurhead asked worried.

"Only about four. Five if you include yourself. One elderly Dinaurian, a middle-aged female human known to be the first human to marry a Dinaurian, an adolescent male human, and a Dinaurian toddler girl. But they're being treated right now." Droma said.

"How long ago were they attacked?" Saurhead asked.

"About an hour and....thirty minutes or so. Why do you ask?" Droma asked confused.
Before Saurhead could answer, a chime sounded. Droma made a sharp sounding command in Dinaurian and a small hovering machine floated towards her. It was about the size of a basketball and was light blue and had a big mustard yellow button in the center of it. The machine faced up and projected a video.

A male Dinaurian doctor appeared. In the background Saurhead could see tables with the people Droma identified.
"Dr. Saured. The bite victims are now starting to show symptoms of this limb manipulation thing. Shall we proceed with the amputation?" He asked.

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