Unknown Family

45 3 22

Everyone had to quickly lean against the side of the building to avoid being spotted. The smell of oil, metal, and gasoline was strong in the afternoon air. Saurhead carefully crept forward to check the entrance. He saw two henchmen walking away from the building with a large box. It was black and on the side was a red square with a green triangle in the middle. There was a keypad imbedded into the box next to the square. He carefully pulled his head back.

"Alright. Get out your smallest vivosaurs and quietly run in. Raptin, use a small vivosaur. Your battle armor is too big." Saurhead whispered.

Raptin nodded and looked in his VMM, as did Holt and Rosie. Rosie pulled out Zou, Holt pulled out his oldest V-Raptor, and Raptin got out his
M-Raptor. Saurhead pulled out his Bronoth and pet his head. Saurhead turned to the others and nodded. They nodded back. They all quickly ran inside. Once inside, Holt locked the door. There were only two rogues. A red Hypsi, and a dark brown Coelo that was way more buffed than a normal Coelo. And she had a long row of spikes from her nose to her tail.
Saurhead's Bronoth easily destroyed the rogues. Rosie pulled out two small plastic containers. She put the medals of the rogues in the containers and put them in her backpack.

"We don't have to talk so low in here. The building traps a good amount of sound." Holt said.

"How do you know?" Saurhead asked.

"I used to be McJunker's apprentice and worked here for while." Holt said.

"Alright. Well..start looking around for anything that seems like an entrance. Keep your vivosaurs out just in case." Saurhead said.

They all started digging around in the scraps. Zou started digging furiously into the mess. A small piece of rubarb flew from under Zou and smacked Raptin's
M-Raptor's face. She shook her head and started to growl.

"No. Masha. Behave yourself. Zou did not do that on purpose." Raptin told her. Masha sneered at Zou and went back to digging.

"Alright, Odin. You know what we're looking for." Holt said.

Odin nodded happily and began to dig. He was used to sniffing out different metals back when Holt was working for McJunker. He started to sniff each piece of metal that he picked up. Holt did the same. Saurhead's Bronoth, Buzz, used his head ornament to scoop up the scraps and toss them. As he did that, Saurhead was digging through the pile. Raptin had decided to watch the door in his battle armor.

"Damn this is a lot scrap. Where the hell does all of it come from?" Saurhead asked angrily.

"They're leftover pieces of VMMs, construction, boat scraps, helicopters, and old technology." Holt said.

"Rediculous." Saurhead said mumbling.

Odin had already made a deep pit. He was digging in gleeful fury. He then reached a big square shape. The metal was unknown to Odin. He was only able to sniff it out because it was the only tough scented metal in the room. Odin chittered and everyone went over to the pit.

"Did he find it?" Rosie asked.

"He sure did." Holt said with pride.

"Wait....this is impossible...." Raptin said walking to the square.

"What?" Holt asked confused.

"This material....it is of Dinaurian origin. This is the toughest metal known to Dinaurians. It is called Magnafortisium. It is the same material the mothership is made of." Raptin said in disbelief. He rubbed the square softly.

"How the hell did it get here?" Rosie asked.

"That I do not know." Raptin said.

He wiped scrap away from the rest of the square. He gasped when he saw a series of symbols and glyphs.

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